
My Favorite Things Event with A.J. Pine

A teen librarian by day and a romance writer by night, A.J. Pine can’t seem to escape the world of fiction, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s the author of the If Only series (Entangled Embrace), the Only You series (Berkley/Intermix), the Kingston Ale House series (Entangled Select), and the upcoming Crossroads Vineyard series (Forever Romance). When she finds that 25th hour in the day, she might indulge in a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, superheroes, and a certain high-functioning sociopath detective. She hails from the far off galaxy of the Chicago suburbs.

Making a list of my favorite things makes me realize I don’t have any of number one in my house, which means I need to head to Trader Joe’s NOW. Okay, fine. First I’ll share my list and then I’ll hightail it on over to TJ’s.

1. Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

Dark chocolate? Good. Coffee? Good. A yummy treat that helps me stay up late and write all the words? GOOD.

2. Coffee Mugs

My love of coffee doesn’t end with my espresso beans. Of course I drink it, too! My cabinet is overflowing with mugs with everything from book love to my strong belief in narwhals. And I will continue to add to my collection until I run out of cabinet space. Or maybe I’ll just start lining the counter if it ever gets to that.

3. Jane the Virgin

I don’t have cable, so when I have a little bit of time (like a week off from the day job for spring break), I marathon a show on Netflix…and then end up having to buy episodes of the current season that are no longer up on ANYHOO, there is no show I love more right now. And I pride myself on getting fifty-nine episodes under my belt in less than a month. I still ship my #captainswan from OUAT, but Jane is my #1 right now.

4. Discount Shoes (and just shoes in general…who am I kidding?)

I shop for nearly everything online, including shoes from my favorite store, DSW. I just got an email today with a shipment notification from I’m not saying I’m sitting outside waiting for the mail carrier, but I’m not saying I’m not.

5. I’m a librarian and a writer so…of course…BOOKS!

If you are not counting the days until Sarah J. Maas’s A Court of Wings and Ruin releases, then that means you have not yet read books one and two, and trust me. If you like fantasy and antiheroes and the sexiest Fae book boyfriend (I have a thing for black wings), then please join me in my fandom for this series!

She's holding out for a happy ever after.

I know where to find my happily ever after--between the pages of a romance novel. It's why I sell books, why I blog about them, and why I'll never get disappointed by love.

So what if my brother's best friend from high school is now a bestselling author? Or that he just blew back into town on a Harley, filling out a pair of jeans like he never did before? Or that he's agreed to do a signing at my bookstore on such short notice?

Because despite all his adoring female fans, I kind of hated his book.

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Up for Grabs:
  • 1 $10 DSW Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for A.J.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to A.J. Pine for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Fun list! I love Killian too! So glad they changed his role into full time!

Latifa Morrisette said...

Love your books!

Nancy Jones said...

I love books! I have them everywhere.

Joanne B said...

I do love books. I have them all over the house. I also agree with you on Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans. They are so yummy.

Maureen said...

Great list. Getting a new pair of shoes is always fun.

LauraJJ said...

Oh I have to say, I have a think for coffee cups too! I LOVE when they are about books! :)

Melanie B said...

You can never have too many coffee mugs, or shoes! Thanks for the giveaway!

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