
Audiobook Review: Conquered by the Highlander by Eliza Knight, Narrated by Antony Ferguson

“Conquered by the Highlander” by Eliza Knight was a great adventure! I really liked the first story in her series “Conquered Bride.” Although I have read Eliza Knight before and this is not my first audiobook by her, I was still delighted by the different station in life that the characters in the story experienced. 

In her “Conquered Bride” series the heroines are not young and inexperienced heroines. They are older heroines who have either experienced heartache or are widows. A Lowlander, Laird Gabriel MacKinnon is an older hero, also. He had his heart broken when the woman he loved married another. Ironically, this unrequited love leads him to his next love. 

Lady Brenna was in a very long and awful marriage. Her husband abused her physically and sexually. Because of the terrible experience she had with her husband she could not image ever wanting to be with another man. When Gabriel is asked to help rescue Brenna and her children, Brenna is his ex-love interests’ cousin, he does the honorable thing and helps her out. When he arrives at the Scorrybreac Castle the clan is not only in a tumultuous state but Brenna is terrified for her life and that of her children. Her husband, Ronald MacLeod is dead, murdered, by what everyone thinks were her hands. Brenna is in a very desperate situation since her murdered husband’s brother is ready to take over control and fill in. Brenna is worried that her son will not inherit the castle as is his due. When Gabriel comes to rescue her and her family, she thinks he is there only to take advantage of the situation. 

Gabriel doesn’t expect the rescue to be easy but he is a skilled warrior and knows the perils involved. What he doesn’t expect is to find Lady Brenna so attractive or to learn to care for her children. The more he learns about the horrors that she lived with the more compassionate he becomes. But the road to happily-ever-after is not as easy as Gabriel would hope. Brenna is not open to letting someone take care of her and she is ready to fight anyone that tries to get in the way of her and her children. The sweetest and intensity of Brenna and Gabriel was so sweet and lovely. 

I really enjoyed “Conquered by the Highlander.” The story was so easy to listen to and so endearing. I really like Brenna and Gabriel and was rooting for them when one obstacle after another presented itself in their way. I’m more than excited to start listening to the next book in the series, Seduced by the Laird (Conquered Bride, #2) . I’m convinced Anthony Ferguson can read the yellow pages and he could make is sound interesting!

**Audiobook Provided by Publisher**

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