
ARC Review: Enforcer by Samantha Whiskey

Enforcer is the second book in Samantha Whiskey's Seattle Sharks series, with each book being a standalone novel. I absolutely love sports romance stories, and this one sounded so good that I couldn't wait to read it. It was a really fun read and I was entertained from start to finish. I liked this one more than the first in the series, and I am really looking forward to reading more from Samantha Whiskey. 

Rory Jackson, Enforcer for the Seattle Sharks, lives and breathes hockey. So when he finds himself in trouble yet again after his short temper leads to another brawl, he knows that he needs to do whatever it takes for Coach not to bench him. Future CEO Paige Turner has just the solution, they will enter into a relationship for a few months to turn his image around while she gets to fulfill some naughty items on her dirty bucket list before signing the morality clause that comes with being CEO. But if Rory screws up it could damage her image and with a set time for the end of their agreement, what happens if they find themselves wanting more? 

I liked these two a lot. They were so different, yet their chemistry was off the charts. Rory had a tough childhood that made his temper and role as Enforcer completely understandable, yet he was a lot more than that. He felt that he wasn't worthy and treated Paige differently than he had with anyone before her. I loved seeing how special she was and the fact that he knew it, while my heart broke for him at times with what he had come from and how that really affected him. Paige was sweet and caring, and I really liked her. She was a kind and giving, yet she wasn't afraid to stand up to others when they needed it. I loved seeing these two get to really know one another and I couldn't get enough of their connection. They fit together perfectly and brought out the best in one another. 

Overall, this was a really great story and I enjoyed it a lot. These two were fun to read about, and this story had a little bit of everything for readers. It was sweet yet also sexy, fun while also being emotional. It was one that I definitely would recommend if you are a fan of hockey romance or sports romance stories, and I am looking forward to reading the next in the series.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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