
My Favorite Things Event with Gina L. Maxwell

Gina L. Maxwell is a full-time writer, wife, and mother living in the upper Midwest, despite her scathing hatred of snow and cold weather. An avid romance novel addict, she began writing as an alternate way of enjoying the romance stories she loves to read. Her debut novel, Seducing Cinderella, hit both the USA Today and New York Times bestseller lists in less than four weeks, and she’s been living her newfound dream ever since.

When she’s not reading or writing steamy romance novels, she spends her time losing at Scrabble (and every other game) to her high school sweetheart, doing her best to hang out with their teenagers before they fly the coop, and dreaming about her move to sunny Florida once they do.

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My Top 5 Favorite Quotable Movies

I love media escapism. The ability to watch, listen, or read your way into an alternate reality—or simply forget about your own for a while—is absolute magic to me. It’s why I’ve always loved reading books or watching movies and the performing arts. For those hours, I get to step into another life, another world. And it’s that love that drives me to be a writer—so that I can give others that same escape, however temporary.

One of the things that I love about movies are the one-liners that I can quote over and over again with my husband or my friends or even perfect strangers. In a truly memorable movie, there are certain lines that are iconic and become things that people will repeat for years or even generations. Think of classic films like Gone with the Wind and Casablanca, all the way to more modern flicks like 300 and Sixth Sense. Even if you’ve never seen those movies, you’ve undoubtedly heard the lines that people have repeated and parodied to death. But I think that’s a thing of beauty. The more quotable the line, the better!
So here are my Top 5 favorite movies to quote, in no particular order:

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 
I’ve loved this movie since high school (I’m not admitting how long that’s been) and when I find another true MPatHG fan, we become instant besties. The quotable lines in this movie is astounding! It’s more like quotable scenes. Seriously.

2. The Sweetest Thing (unrated version)
This is my ultimate dirty chick flick. But guys love this one, too. It has an all-star cast of hilarious actors and has so many great lines to choose from. This is a great one to have in common with your girlfriends, and I recommend it to everyone.

3. Anchorman
This is kind of a given, right? I mean, doesn’t everyone quote this movie? “I don’t know if you know this…but I’m kind of a big deal.” Oh my God, I could go on and on with this one.

4. Mallrats
This is my favorite Kevin Smith film and another one that gives me that warm and fuzzy high school nostalgia. In my humble opinion, this is one of those cult classic movies that stand the test of time. It’s like The Breakfast Club of the 90’s and features big time actors, like Ben Affleck, before they were all that big.

5. A Knight’s Tale
He was amazing in so many roles, but this is my favorite Heath Ledger movie. I think my family and I have watched this easily a few dozen times together. We own the movie and whenever we see it on cable, it’s an automatic watch for us. I love how they blend the medieval times with modern songs and flare. So clever! 

So there you have it! Five of my favorite movies to quote in every day life. If there are any on my list that you haven’t seen, hurry up and watch them! Then find me on the interwebz and we can quote one-liners and laugh until we pee ourselves. Or maybe that’s just me who does that. Either way, find me and we’ll have some fun!

One sexy fireman. Three dates. And a whole lot of heat...

A one-night stand is just what Olivia Jones needs to transition back into the dating world after a two-year hiatus. To hell with being prim and proper. It's not like she'll ever see him again. For just one night, she's going to shed her inhibitions and let this sexy-as-hell man bring all her fantasies to life.

When a twist of fate throws Boston firefighter Erik Grady together with the woman who gave him the hottest night of his life, he has only one mission: to charm her into giving him a chance and show her there's more between them than just the heat they shared in that hotel room.

Helping each other heal from their pasts might be playing with fire, but a desire this strong is worth getting burned.

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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Gina L. Maxwell for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Carol L. said...

I have this on my TRL already. I love the cover and excerpt. Thanks for sharing.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sue G. said...

Hi Gina! Love your list! It's so you! My favorite movie is Grease and I quote from it all the time!

erin said...

Congrats on the new release! Oh Knight's Tale... so convoluted but so good :) thanks for sharing!

Nancy Jones said...

I look forward to reading this and have added it to my TBR list.

Colleen C. said...

Thanks for sharing!

Glittergirl said...

I love Gina's stories. I'm so glad I discovered her at a FB party. Thanks for the giveaway.

Maureen said...

I do enjoy remembering the best lines from my favorite movies.

Glenda said...

SO many quotable quotes from multiple Monty Python works including Holy Grail! Great list, Gina!

Joanne B said...

Congrats on the release. I love A Knight's Tale and quote from it all the time.

Landslide said...

Thank you for the chance!

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