
ARC Review: The Bitterroot Inn by Devney Perry

I absolutely love the Jamison Valley series by Devney Perry! She is an author that took me by complete surprise with her amazing stories and I honestly cannot say enough great things about her! This series is one that I think has something for everyone, and I really believe that everyone should give these books a shot if they haven't. 

The Bitterroot Inn is Maisy and Hunter's story. After a terrible event, Maisy gave up her career as a nurse and decided to purchase the inn in her town, revamping it and making it her own. She loves her work and her child, and her family and friends are great. But when a sexy stranger shows up at her inn, she knows that something is missing from her life and she hopes to find out if Hunter is what has been missing. Hunter has secrets though, and after her past she is hesitant to get involved with anyone that isn't 100% up front with her. As they grow closer though, his secrets could destroy all that they are building.

I loved these two so much. I seriously couldn't get enough of them or their story and I didn't want to put this one down for anything. Hunter was so good with Maisy, and I loved how sweet and kind he was. Maisy was such a good mom and a strong independent woman who went after what she wanted and never was a victim. I loved her strength and ability to overcome so much, focusing on what was important. These two had amazing chemistry and a great connection, and Hunter with Maisy and her son was perfection. 

Overall, this was such a great addition to this series! I loved it from start to finish and I am so sad to see an end come to this amazing series. I will absolutely be reading whatever Devney Perry writes next though. She is talented and her stories are so easy to get lost in. I love how the characters are likable and easy to relate to. Her books just seem to get better each time, and I can't wait for more from her in the future. I will be anxiously awaiting her next release.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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