
ARC Review: Sex, Not Love by Vi Keeland

I am a huge fan of Vi Keeland's and honestly I don't even read her blurbs anymore. She is an automatic add to my TBR and buy list, and I haven't ever regretted it. Sex, Not Love was another fantastic book from her and I think readers are going to love this one just as much as I did.

I won't get into much of the story as I don't want to spoil anything but Hunter and Natalia first meet at a wedding. The attraction between them was instant and they ended up spending the night together before Natalia returned to NY leaving him behind in CA with a fake number. After their friends had a baby they ended up meeting again, but Hunter demanded a real number after seeing that their attraction was still there. Instead of giving him her number though, she gave him her mom's but was shocked when he turned up for a family dinner. They agree to explore the chemistry between them, but with both not looking for love that is all. As they spend more time together though they soon realize that life has a way of changing plans. 

I loved these two. They were super hot together and I couldn't get enough of them. But it was so much more than that. I loved getting to know them and their backstories and seeing just how much more there was to each of them. Hunter and Natalia are definitely some of my favorite characters from Vi and I really can't even begin to put into words just how much I loved their story.

While you might think that this is a light and sexy read from the title, I promise you that this is so much more. If you have read Vi Keeland's books before, you will know that she has a talent for writing deep and heartfelt stories that take the reader in unexpected directions at times and that was the case here. It was emotional and captivating as well as being sexy and entertaining. I honestly love Vi Keeland's books and the fact that she always delivers a story that is more than meets the eye. Sex, Not Love was such a great story and I really think that Vi's books just keep getting better with each one she writes. I highly recommend this book and if you haven't read anything from her before, you are seriously missing out!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Sue G. said...

Great review! Just bought it! My favorite 2017 read was Egomaniac so I'm hoping this one is just as good!

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