
An Entangled Winter Wonderland Event with Jody Holford

Jody Holford lives in British Columbia with her family. She's a huge fan of Rainbow Rowell, Nora Roberts, Carly Phillips, Rachel Gibson, Sophia Kinsella, and Emily Giffen. She's unintentionally funny and rarely on time for anything. She writes multiple genres but her favourite is romance.

Why I love holiday stories:

The holidays are a time for cozy fires, family & friends, long-loved traditions, yummy food, and BOOKS. Wait, there’s no time that isn’t time for books. However, at this time of year, which is NOT the only time you can read them, they are an added bonus to an already charming season.

Like the perfectly mixed and adorably decorated sugar cookie, holiday stories give you a sense of satisfaction, enjoyment, and happiness. It is so fun to see the way two characters, such as my Gabby and Owen in More than Friends, for example, combine their own holiday traditions and ideas. The back and forth of a romance novel, the stuff that gets your heart pumping and puts a smile on your face, only gets better when they’re trimming trees or sharing presents.

Most of us read romance novels to fall into another world where we can picture ourselves being friends with the characters. The common craziness of the holiday season, winter activities, and the stress that can impact a person can be transferred onto the page in a funny way.

The other thing holiday stories add is new ways for our characters to fall into each other’s space. Leaning up to reach the higher branches on the tree? Hmm, some mistletoe placed in just the right spot? Loving looks over thoughtful gifts? Adding a holiday theme to a romance novel is a little like adding chocolate chips to your waffles; perfectly enjoyable without but takes it to a whole new level when you put them together.

The holidays can be a difficult time for a lot of people and I think that’s another theme or message that can be shared. In More than Friends, Gabby doesn’t have a family of her own. She doesn’t have anyone to share traditions with or really, to rely on. She has her best friend but her feelings for him are compounded by the affection she feels for his loud and busy family. What drives Owen crazy during the holiday visit reminds Gabby of how much she’s missed out on.

There’s nothing quite like getting lost in a good book. Adding romance and holidays to that read is equivalent to holiday magic. You feel it. You want more of it. And you’re inclined to share.

Owen Burnett planned on a quiet, easygoing Christmas, hanging out with his best friend and neighbor, Gabby Michaelson. So when his mom pressures him to come home for the holidays, he tells a little white lie…that he’s spending the holidays with his new girlfriend. But when his family shows up unexpectedly, Owen pulls the best friend card and asks Gabby to play his fake girlfriend.

Gabby’s been hopelessly in love with her best friend Owen for what feels like forever, but playing his “fake” girlfriend when the entire boisterous Burnett clan visits is easier said than done. The more she tries to deny the attraction between them, the more obvious their chemistry becomes. But even though she’s not the only one feeling it, putting their friendship on the line is a risk she can’t take.

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Check out the Kendrick Place series:

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!


Chrisbails said...

A new to me author. Gonna have to check out

Sue G. said...

I love the fake girlfriend/boyfriend trope! Just bought this one! Thanks!

dstoutholcomb said...

sounds lovely

Joanne B said...

I can read holiday stories all year long. More Than Friends sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read more about Owen and Gabby.

Lori Dykes said...

Sounds great. Love Christmas stories!

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