
An Entangled Winter Wonderland Event with Joely Sue Burkhart

Joely Sue Burkhart has always loved heroes who hide behind a mask, the darker and more dangerous the better. Whether cool, sophisticated billionaire, brutal bloodthirsty assassin, or simply a man tortured by his own needs, they all wear masks to protect themselves. Once they finally give you a peek into the passionate, twisted secrets they’re hiding, they always fall hard and fast. Dare to look beneath the mask and find love in the shadows.

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A String of Christmas Lights

One question authors universally hear is “Where do you get your ideas?” So I thought I’d share the idea behind The Billionaire’s Christmas Bargain.

This was the third and final story in the planned series. At the time, I had a different contemporary BDSM series (The Connaghers) with four books already, and this separate series featuring billionaires. I’d already explored various aspects of BDSM and I wanted to do something unique. Something different. But what?

I knew the hero had to be a billionaire—so on one hand, used to wielding power, at least financially—but he also had to be submissive, whether he knew it yet or not. His heroine might have to break him into the lifestyle… gently.

Bondage is one of the easiest ways to begin exploring BDSM, so I sat at my desk with my magic purple pen and some paper, brainstorming on a new and different way I could have my heroine explore bondage with a billionaire. I didn’t want to do anything expected. Handcuffs, rope… those all seemed too basic. Too boring for this billionaire (even though I didn’t know exactly who he was yet). No, it needed to be something significant.

I wanted it to be a grand gesture. A silent message to his heroine that he understood and accepted his growing need to be dominated by her.

I started jotting down all kinds of ridiculous ideas, and at some point, I wrote down Christmas lights. I crossed it off initially, because that’s not really a safe bondage item. The wire wouldn’t be easy to cut through in an emergency, and the bulbs could break. Glass or plastic shards in unmentionable places wouldn’t be fun.

But I couldn’t cross the idea out of my head. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it. For it to be a grand gesture to the heroine, I decided the hero had to hate Christmas. Not just hate, but loathe with every fiber of his being. It had to really be a stumbling block for him. And that’s how my grinchy billionaire Harvey Caine came to life.

One billionaire recluse who loathes Christmas. A professional Domme in disguise as a maid. This Christmas is about to get KINKY in The Billionaire’s Christmas Bargain.

Ever since his parents died in a holiday car accident, Harvey Caine has shut himself away with his lingering injuries and his guilt, hating Christmas more with each passing year. He clings to the one obsession that keeps him alive—wrest control of Caine Enterprises from his aunt.

When his longtime friend mentions a niece who needs a job and a roof over her head for a few days, Harvey agrees, figuring his mansion is large enough to ignore her.

Professional BDSM Mistress Kelsey Marley doesn’t do “ignored.” She’s been hired to do what she does best—push the billionaire’s buttons until his defenses crack.

As Kelsey administers the discipline Harvey needs to release his pain, she realizes too late they’re getting too close, too fast. If he finds out she’s been bought and paid for, this holiday might go down as a big fat loss for them both.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card + Swag Pack
To Enter:
  • Comment on this post with an unusual bondage item or favorite Christmas tradition.
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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Joely Sue Burkhart for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Kim said...

Favorite Christmas tradition is watching a Christmas movie on chrChrist Eve as a family.

John Smith said...

"Comment on this post with an unusual bondage item or favorite Christmas tradition." "A Christmas Carol" starring Alastair Sim.

K Angeles said...

We used to use handcuffs for bondage, but after the second time my hubby dislocated his shoulder-we switched to his ties. They give more leeway to move.

Glenda said...

Baking with the kids is onne of our favorite Holiday traditions.

dstoutholcomb said...

baking sugar cookies with the kids

Sue G. said...

My favorite tradition is cutting down our Christmas tree.

xCourtx said...

My favorite christmas tradition is eating tacos with the whole family. And I also ADORE my blue fox tail!!

Unknown said...

A favorite Christmas tradition is baking Christmas cookies

VΓ­vian said...

Favorite Christmas tradition is arranging the gifts under the tree.

Jennifer Smith said...

Most unusual would be a large bird cage and full body latex.favorite .spanking bench

Unknown said...

One of my Christmas traditions is to watch Scrooged, the 1988 version and Trading Places. Can't have Christmas without them.

Jen B. said...

I love the tradition of opening one gift on Christmas Eve. It's always so fun to pick one thing to open over all of the others. Invariably I end up opening the joke gift!

BookLady said...

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of my favorite holiday traditions.

Joanne B said...

Driving around looking at the holiday lights after Christmas Eve dinner, then opening gifts with the Yule Log on in the background.

Lilypadchavez said...

So we have several furbabies πŸ±πŸˆπŸΆπŸ• and of course we love to dress them up and have them take pictures with Santa πŸŽ… at Christmas in the Park on doggy πŸ• day , of course we have to bring lots of treats lol πŸ˜‚

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