
My First Love Event with Darcy Burke and Erica Ridley

Darcy Burke

Darcy Burke is the USA Today Bestselling Author of hot, action-packed historical and sexy, emotional contemporary romance. A native Oregonian, Darcy lives on the edge of wine country with her guitar-strumming husband, their two hilarious kids who seem to have inherited the writing gene, and three Bengal cats. Visit Darcy online at and sign up for her newsletter, follow her on Twitter at, or like her Facebook page,

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Erica Ridley

Erica Ridley is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of historical romance novels. Her two most popular series, the Dukes of War and Rogues to Riches, feature roguish peers and dashing war heroes who find love amongst the splendor and madness of Regency England. When not reading or writing romances, Erica can be found riding camels in Africa, zip-lining through rainforests in Costa Rica, or getting hopelessly lost in the middle of Budapest.

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Happy 8th anniversary to Ramblings from this Chick! Thank you for being such a great voice in the romance community. Today, Darcy Burke and Erica Ridley are here together to talk about falling in love as critique partners!

Erica: It was love at first sight, for sure. How would you describe a critique partner, Darc?

Darcy: I’d say a critique partner is a fellow writer you swap manuscripts with in order to, you guessed it, critique each other’s work! Why, how would you describe a critique partner?

Erica: Hmm. Someone who remembers to bring the wine for all the whining?

Darcy: Also true!

Darcy: Sadly, there wasn’t much wine when we first started. Just whining.

Erica: And lots of words! Back then, we used to swap individual scenes as we wrote them, instead of waiting to finish the complete manuscript. Can you believe we used to trade a chapter a day?

Darcy: It was so fun! Nowadays, we have to wear so many hats. We’re our own publicists, marketers, administrators, managers, internet-wranglers... (And occasionally we write!)

Erica: So true. There are a thousand moving parts to organize, and just as many deadlines. Back then, it was simple. Just sit down and write whatever we pleased!

Darcy: We were so young and innocent...

Erica: And happy! LOL. Look at those faces.

Darcy: Is it any wonder we fell in love?

Erica: I don’t miss those glasses, though.

Darcy: (I do - very librarian hot.) Can you believe we’re still critique partners, thirteen years later?

Erica: Of course I can! We’re romance writers. You and I are a classic Happy Ever After! What I can’t believe is that it took us this long to create a project together.

Darcy: I love our new project. Six romances centered around London’s most notorious tavern, the Wicked Duke, founded by two wicked (natch) dukes! You’re writing the odd ones—

Erica: Hey, watch it!

Darcy: —and I’m writing the evens. It’s so much fun. Starting this week, there’ll be a new romance every fortnight until the end of June!

Erica: I really love how the series has come together, and I’m impressed with all the teamwork that’s gone into it. Our series bible has blossomed from one spreadsheet into two, and there’s been so many emails...

Darcy: So many emails. And maybe a thousand text messages?

Erica: Eleventy thousand texts. Full of very emphatic emoji. Plus several phone calls and even an in-person brainstorming session. And now the Wicked Dukes are finally here!

Darcy: So exciting! You kick off the fun with One Night for Seduction, featuring the yummy Duke of Colehaven, who never expected to inherit his title.

Erica: He also didn’t expect to fall in love with a vigilante lady mathematician, but we can’t always get what we want, can we?

Darcy: As the Duke of Eastleigh learns in the second book, One Night of Surrender. Although technically, he does get what he wants, but then loses it.

Erica: And then has to fight to get it back. That’s my favorite part of every romance. You’ll get your Happy Ever After, my friend, but you better believe you’ll have to work to earn it!

Darcy: Just like we worked for ours?

Erica: BFFs forever, baby!

When the Wicked Duke dares the Duke of Colehaven to find a suitor for an unmanageable ward, Cole immediately accepts. He's on a winning streak, and besides, how unmarriageable can a pretty young lady be? He appoints himself bodyguard and duenna, only to discover his own desires may be the greatest danger of all.

Supposed wallflower Diana Middleton lives a double life, bringing dishonest businessmen to justice. Shaking off a meddling duke should be child's play. Yet the more they lock horns, the more she wants to lock lips. Her scandalous secrets would derail his political career. But surely there’s no harm in one little seduction…

Meet the unforgettable men of London's most notorious tavern, The Wicked Duke. Seductively handsome, with charm and wit to spare, one night with these rakes and rogues will never be enough…

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook of Choice from each author

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Good Luck!

Special thanks to Darcy Burke & Erica Ridley for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Nancy Jones said...

Sounds like a great read.

May said...

What a great story! :) BFF is the true long lasting love. :)

Timitra said...

Love the sound of your new project!

girlfromwva said...

newer to me authors. it is always great to hear about best friends who have been friends for a long time.

BookLady said...

The Wicked Dukes series sounds fascinating. Lovely covers too. Thanks for sharing.

Sue G. said...

What a great write up! Love the older pics!

Linda Romer said...

Love these two ladies. Thank you

Lilypadchavez said...

Lol only the bff would give u an honest critique 😋😉😁💗

K Moore said...

I have enjoyed reading books from both these ladies. Good luck to me!

pork chop said...

Sounds like good reading. Sign me up!

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