
My First Love Event with Molly O'Keefe

Molly O'Keefe is a RITA-Award winning author with 25 novels in publication. She lives in Toronto, Canada with her family and the largest heap of dirty laundry in North America.

Happy 8th Birthday Ramblings From This Chick - I’m so excited to be able to celebrate with you!

And this is SUCH a great idea - celebrating our first loves. I had a tough time narrowing everything down. I could talk about my husband, who I met when i was nineteen. If it wasn’t love at first sight it was certainly lust…

I could talk about the birth of my first kid, when the whole notion of love was blown sky high, never to be the same. But I decided instead I would tell you about the first love that changed the course of my entire life.

When I was a kid, my family used to go on sailing vacation with The Meyers. Nancy, the mom, was an avid reader and she would bring 10-12 Harlequin Desire’s or Silhouette Temptations with her for our week long vacations. And I loved this - because I would bring along 10-12 Nancy Drew Case Files or Christopher Pike books. When I was 11, I ran out of my own books to read and Nancy loaned me one of her’s. And it was over for me. It wasn’t just the naughty bits - though I was 100% in for the naughty bits. But all that unrequited longing, all those unsaid things, all those worries and fear spoke to my nerdy little insecure heart. Reading my first romance gave me hope that not only would I find someone to love, but that maybe I’d have a killer job as a fashion photographer! It would take a number of years and about a million romances stolen off Mrs. Meyer’s shelf but soon I realized that the job I wanted was writing romance.

That first romance changed my entire life. Now, tell me what your first romance novel was…

He was my stepbrother.
My Prince Charming.
My fairy tale gone totally wrong...

My mother marrying the king was supposed to give my mom and me our happily ever after. But my life has never been a bedtime story and no prince with a fancy shoe is turning me into a Cinderella.

I had big plans outside of my small but powerful country. But Gunnar, the wicked prince in a gorgeous package, was temptation too strong for me to resist. His sweet lies and sweeter kisses pulled me back into his arms over and over again until his cold cruel heart finally broke mine for good.

Now he's going to be King and he wants me back in his country, his palace...and his bed.

And we all must bow to the King.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 signed copy of My Wicked Prince

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for the author.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Molly O'Keefe for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

My first romance novel was Forever by Judy Blume. I've lost count of the number of times I read that book in my younger days!

Nancy Jones said...

Sounds interesting.

Colleen C. said...

Ooh sounds good! First romance... The Sherbrooke Bride by Catherine Coulter... got me hooked on reading!

little_cris said...

I want to read my wicked prince so badly! thank you for sharing your story <3

Kim Perry said...

Mine was a Harlequin Presents. I was already an avid reader by that point, but this opened up a whole new world for me.

May said...

My first was a Rachel Gibson novel. I totally forgot the title but it was good!

Betul E. said...

I don't remember, but it was most likely a paranormal romance.

Linda Romer said...

Looking forward to reading My Wicked Prince. Thank you

BookLady said...

My first romance novel was Gone With the Wind.

Kim said...

I love this post. I'm so glad you started writing.

Lily B said...

A king romance, that looks interesting!

Lilypadchavez said...

Judith McNaught... Something Wonderful 💗😍

K Moore said...

Sounds like an awesome read

pork chop said...

Sign me up!

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