
Audiobook Review: The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, Narrated by Julia Whelan

This is not my usual pick of storyline. I usually like romances and stay away from psychological thrillers but I heard so many great things about this storyline that I had to try it out myself.

This story starts off with Nellie the ex-wife. She is trying to rebuild a life for herself. Her husband Richard has moved onto a new love and has taken all their wealth with him. Nelly is living with her aunt, her only remaining relative. Nellie is barely holding on. She struggles with her new life as a divorced woman and her old life haunts her. Soon she finds out that Richard has moved on and becomes obsessed with his new girlfriend. The story is told from a first person point of view. We are seeing the story unfold through Nellie’s eyes .

The story is also told from Vanessa’s point of view. Vanessa is in love. She has fallen in love with Richard and he is a dream come true. She works two jobs as a waitress and also as a pre-school teacher. Richard is very wealthy and has introduced Vanessa to a lavish lifestyle. Vanessa is getting ready to marry Richard and start a new life with him as his wife. The story takes place in NYC. Soon they will have a house in the suburbs where they can start a family together.

Most of part one of the story describe the life of these two narrators and its in part two where we realize that nothing is what it seems! The story unfolds in a manner that it was one surprise after another. The intertwined storylines were new and refreshing. There were so many plot twists that I did not see coming! Even at the end where everything seems resolved, there are yet more plot twists! Although not in the romance genre, this story is a must read or hear!

The narrator is amazing. She really seemed to understand the sensitive twists and turns that were involved! I highly recommend and really enjoyed this story! I plan to read more by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen.

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