
Feature and Giveaway: The Kissing Contract by Amy Andrews

Marshall Dyson wants one thing and one thing only: to raze his grandfather’s island to the ground. Everything is ready to go––except for the freakin’ bunnies! Hundreds of the furry critters hopping about and multiplying before his eyes. And then there’s the American Bunny League, along with one distractingly beautiful veterinarian, taking him to court to save them...

Dr. Augusta “Gus” North can’t believe the grumpy–and annoyingly hot–builder she’s facing in court cares more about demo-ing some cabin than the lives of 200 bunnies. But when the judge orders Marshall to stay on the island and help her rehome the rabbits – the entire month – she knows they’re going to need to lay some ground rules.

Like, for example, absolutely no kissing. Might as well go ahead and get that in writing. Sure it’s on a napkin, but that still counts.

How hard could it be to keep their hands off each other amidst all the fighting? Surprisingly, harder than wrangling 200 bunnies...

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“Nothing to do with a certain blond vet who bested you in court?”

Marshall snorted. “I hate to break this to you buddy, but she bested you, not me.”

“You tell yourself whatever you need to.”

The humor in his brother’s voice was irritating. “Bite me.”

“Dude...face it. You have the hots for her.”

“I do not. I like agreeable women.”

Jeremy laughed. “You only think you like agreeable women.”

“I think I know what I like. I’ve been engaged three times to your zip, remember.”

“Exactly.” Jeremy laughed harder. “You’d make a lousy lawyer making my point for me like that.”

Marshall was not going to sit here and be lectured by his younger brother who wouldn’t know monogamy if it kicked him in the balls. “I’m hanging up now.”

“Come home, leave them be.”

“Is that your official legal advice?”

“Yes. Not that I think you’ll take it for a moment.”

Marshall stared at the floorboards. “It’s just a couple of days.”

Jeremy’s sigh was heavy in Marshall’s ear. “Be nice to her. It’s only a month and I don’t want to have to bail your ass out of jail because you’re being an obstructive dick.”

Amy is an award-winning, best-selling Aussie author who has written sixty plus contemporary romances. She writes books featuring lots of sex and kissing and likes to make her readers tingle, laugh and sigh. She loves good books, frequent travel and great booze although she'll take mediocre booze if there's nothing else. She lives on acreage in a sunny part of Australia with a gorgeous mountain view but secretly wishes the ocean lapped the back fence.

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  • 1 Print copy of Nothing But Trouble

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Special thanks to Entangled Publishing for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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