
Wicked Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely and amazing Jenn LeBlanc. Jenn is the author of the super awesome book The Rake and The Recluse. Jenn has gone and done something super awesome, she has revamped her story and added a lot more story along with tons more pictures. Along with the revamping, she has broken it down into six serials that are to be released every two weeks. Today is the release of her fourth installment Ruination and Jenn's third visit to the blog for her Wicked Blog Tour. So everyone please give a very warm welcome to the super awesome Jenn LeBlanc.

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |  Tumblr(NSFW) |

You would think I would run out of steam talking about sex, right? Well, perhaps not if you have read the books, but to be honest when you are dealing with characters who drive the storyline it really is a bit easier than when you are simply trying to come up with rendezvous.

Let’s talk venues some more shall we? We covered mews, closets, carriages, rooftops, museums, gardens... let’s talk other vehicles. Trains, to be more specific. Wherein Jenn discovers where all her kink likely came from...

If you have ridden on a train, which is much more rare these days than in Victorian England, you know the charm. But think back to when they were new, slower, more unstable. That’s right, unstable. Quite like a boat in some respects, though the turn and sway of the train is probably much slower than the carry of a boat over the waves, depending on the size of the boat of course.

Trains are a perfect place for a rendezvous, so romantic. I’ll say it is much easier if you have a berth reserved, of course, they were still a bit small, but perhaps you have a private railcar? You know what comes to mind here? (I’m about to date myself, hold on. ) THE WILD WILD WEST. NO not the Will Smith version. The original, Robert Conrad and Artemus Gordon, what was his name? …pause for google identification... Ross Martin. But Robert Conrad as James West in those tight pants???!!!? *swoon* serious hardcore swoonage happening.

Sorry...were you expecting the pants? (just say yes.)


ok ok seriously, it’s really the whole suit. I mean it is a complete package.

Oh...that’s nothing but chesticles.

Yes gratuitous getting dressed...or undressed..image FTW!!

There, there it is, the suit. *sigh*

Oh...oh my google image alert-
I believe this show is where all my deviant behaviors have come from. Let me show you:

James West tied to a ladder.

James West tied to a chair

James West with a riding crop.

Yep. But I digress (again)

Now their traincar had this fabulous pool table in it which I never really understood because the sway would move the balls. I don’t remember too much about it, I need to find it on DVD, but shouldn’t it be hailed as the original Steampunk? I would think so. All the fantastical little gadgets and whatnots.

I’m labeling this as fantastical gadget but really it’s still about the pants.

LOVE LOVE LOVE. So I am going to amend my perusal of the sex in a train speech to include that it must be with the original James West and those pants that had to take four people to get on him, in his private railcar, in an alternate history with all the fantastic gadgets. Yes, we love sex with gadgets...

Wait—that came out wrong.


Go get you some West.

In the meantime answer me this: Do you remember THE WILD WILD WEST? Did you love the tight pants hero as much as I did? Up for grabs is a copy of the full serial novel, if you’ve already won it, you may tell me to gift it to someone of your choosing OR I will mail you some swag. Trust me. Swag is cool.


The Books:


FREEDOM : The Rake And The Recluse : Part One

Part one brings Francine to the world of the Duke of Roxleigh, clashing worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel, with all new material.

Available now from these ebook retailers:
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

FOUND : The Rake And The Recluse : Part Two

Part two finds Francine in the world of the Duke of Roxleigh. The clashing of worlds in first installment of the completely revised novel continues as Francine finds her footing, discovers secrets about her elusive host, and learns more about herself than she ever thought possible.

Available now from these ebook retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

TAKEN : The Rake And The Recluse : Part Three

Part THREE brings Francine and Gideon closer than they ever imagined possible, until the unimaginable tears them apart. What will Gideon do if he loses her, this time, forever?

Available now from these ebook retailers:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

RUINATION : The Rake And The Recluse : Part Four

Part FOUR is full of revelations, celebrations, protestations and one surprise that will have you holding your breath for the final chapters. What has Perry done?

Available now at these ebook retailers:
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

SUBMISSION : The Rake And The Recluse : Part Five

Perry leaves Roxleigh House without a backward glance only to be tossed headlong into one of the most difficult trials of his life. How will he protect the very thing he is dedicated to pursuing? How will a man dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure survive a woman who refuses to relent, when he knows he cannot have her.

Coming February 14, 2012

RETRIBUTION : The Rake And The Recluse : Part Six

Perry must find the woman who has managed to capture his heart, then he must find a way to keep her. Someone else is on the hunt, someone from her past who doesn’t appreciate that she still lives and breaths.

Coming February 28, 2012

Thank you for stopping by, 1 lucky commenter will win a full copy of the six-part serial novel as it is released. You will ALSO be entered in the grand prize #WICKEDblog tour, which will be given away on March 1, 2012. DON'T forget to include your email address in your comment or you CAN'T BE ENTERED into the grand prize drawing.

Rules can be found HERE. A full list of all the posts in the tour can be found HERE.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Na said...

Hi Jenn, I do remember the Wild Wild West and I think gutsy, strong and independent heroines are best suited fro this setting. It also helps that the heroes seems to be well heroic :)


Beebs said...

Hi Jenn

I don't recall this, so it may not have been screened in Ireland. I like your pics though. :)


Jenn said...

Thank you Na, that's absolutely correct! I hadn't made it past the chesticles to consider the heroines in the TV show they were all quite...tenacious!

Beebs, IRELAND!! I want to see Ireland. WWW has to be available somewhere at this point, I definitely need to get my hands on it. I loved that show so much, and I had forgotten most of it! How he ends up shirtless, tied to stuff, and threatened by whips, crops and chains in nearly every episode is amazing to me. ALSO they filmed it in B/W even though color was available (I think I remember reading that) Anyway, I love that part as well.

Lovely to see you both today!!


Aurian said...

O what a great story Jenn, thank you, and especially for those pictures! I can't remember if I have ever watched that movie, but I do remember movies just like that. Errol Flyn ring a bel? The rope swinging pirate? Sigh. Sigh again.

auriansbooks at gmail dot com

Jenn said...

Aurian!! For swoon for swoon. Yes I am aware of Errol Flynn. Love. If you ever get a chance to see WWW do it. He is the Flynn of western steampunkery.


AsianCocoa said...

I don't remember watching The Wild Wild West. I liked all the photos showing James West's chesticles. Thanks for sharing.
asiancocoa94 at aol dot com

*yadkny* said...

I love Jenn's posts... so very entertaining! I've ridden on a train before but when I was much younger and only once... I would love to repeat the experience, but just haven't yet. I actually don't remember the The Wild Wild West, but I really appreciate the educational experience in this post:)

Jenn said...

Monique, you need to see it. It's just man candy. And how can that be wrong?

Yadkny I agree, I think I need another train ride as well. :)


Joanne said...

I don't remember the Wild, Wild West. I do love those photos though. Great man candy! I'll have to see if I can find this show somewhere. It sounds interesting.


Jenn said...

Isn't it Joanne! If you get a chance to see it, do. You won't regret it.


Unknown said...

^Appreciate giveaway! Helps those like me on fixed income/ SSI {perm/multi disabled: wheelchair/home-bound} who need & enjoy to read, attain books can't normally afford! <3
^Tho suppose it dates me, Yep! Sure do remember 'Wild, Wild West' James/Jim West {Robert Conrad} & Artemus/Artie Gordon {Ross Martin} using train for traveling tracks for main means of transport & Special Agents to Pres. Grant!
Robert Conrad had gorgeous Face & Body! Spent about as much time with his shirt off & making it with the ladies, as Capt Kirk! Always waited for/wondered why those oh so tight pants never split at the seams, especially since so active & ..uh.. the positions he found himself in!
^Kinda like a mix between 'Buddy Movies', original 'Mission Impossible' & 'Macgyver' {like Artemus}, but set in Old West!

bn100 said...

I've never seen The Wild Wild West, but after reading your post, I probably should. I enjoyed your post.

Jenn LeBlanc said...

Yes Rhiannon! Well said. That is a good comparison, Mission Impossible old west style, LOL!

bn100, highly recommended.


Thanks everyone!!


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