
Guest Post with Author Sadie Hart and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sadie Hart. Sadie is currently on tour celebrating the release of her newest book Hounded and she has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor to Sadie, why don't we get to know her a bit.

Sadie Hart lives in Michigan with two dogs, though one should totally be a Moose, and they both occasionally show signs of super powers. Like the ability to fly and mind read. Okay, maybe not the flying part. That’s actually her flying pig, Pignificent. Though his super powers also include laser vision.

During the day, while not wrangling super-pooches and pigs, Sadie works as a secretary in a library trying not to read the books. At night, she writes action packed paranormal romances with a heavy dose of the things that go bump in the night – both the spooky and the naughty kind.
Places to find Sadie:

The Novel that Should Have Been a Novella

Hounded was supposed to be a novella. I even had it all plotted out in advance, which is something I never do--at least not scene by scene, detail by detail. I’m more of a broad scopes girl. I like to know my Big Bad, what each character wants internally/externally, and in general where we’re going to end up…after that I like to see where the story goes. But I really wanted to write a pair of werelions and a Rhodesian ridgeback shifter, and I didn’t really have time for a novel…so I figured a novella would work. And I plotted it out to make sure I stayed in my word count limit.

Except, the moment Lennox Donnelly, the main female protagonist of Hounded, stepped onto the screen she ran away with the show. That perfect, wonderful outline I had? She tossed it out the window and threatened me with that silver-shooting gun of hers if I tried to get it back. So I did what any sane author would do…I went with the flow. I pulled out a new Word document, did my general broad-scopes ‘outline’ and let the characters run with the story. And run they did. The next thing I realized, my little sweet novella had turned into a full-throttle, action-packed, sexy novel. Somewhere along the way I realized I’d lost control of the beast and it surprisingly was turning out way better than I’d ever planned.

This was definitely a book that grabbed me by the throat and demanded to be written every night. What’s more? I loved every word of it. I liked how Lennox, strong and confident in so many ways, could be undone when it came to matters of the heart. I loved watching my two alpha male lion-shifters have their life shattered and they had to learn to rely on someone else. Most of all, I absolutely adore the world these characters opened up for me. There’s so much room to play, so many monsters to catch, people to watch fall in love… I look forward to every book in this series.

Lion-shifters Kanon Reyes and Tegan Sharpe aren’t sure what Kanon’s done to earn himself a frame-up for murder, but they’re determined to keep him from a silver bullet and a shallow grave. To do that, though, they’ll have to rely on the sexy Hound sent to arrest him.

As a Hound for Shifter Town Enforcement, Lennox Donnelly is one of the best. But when one of her arrest warrants turns out to be for an innocent man, she’s determined to get to the truth. What she finds are dead witnesses and an untraceable magick–with a killer far more powerful than her. Now, to survive, Lennox will have to learn to rely on more than just herself if she’s to make it back to the men she’s come to love.

Places to Purchase:

The muscle in her jaw flexed, tense and he could see the warpath opening up between them. Damn, the woman would do battle with just about anything if a man riled her right. Kanon snatched a strand of that hair and Tegan’s eyes jumped to his, knowing instantly the texture of her hair by the hooded expression on his partner’s face.

Hell, Metro would let just about anyone in, as long as they were wearing clothes, but Tegan ached to see her without the dirt and with all that hair loosely draped over her shoulders.

She caught Kanon’s hand, so ready to fight when Tegan gave a low chuckle, stepping closer. Trapping her, between them and the dining room. She could run, but she’d have to back down for that. Lennox Donnelly looked like she’d rather shoot them both first.

But she was still trying to be the nice girl. “I thought you wanted help.”

Tegan let her see the lazy draw of his eyes as he looked her up and down from head to toe. “You’re filthy. Your hair is a mess…”

“You have dirt smudged on your cheeks.” Kanon licked a finger and reached out to swab a spot when she jerked back, a laugh floating from her.

“Is that your game? Seduce the Hound meant to drag you in?”

“No, Tegan actually intends to take you to the bar.”

Her gaze flitted back to Kanon. “And you?”

Kanon lifted his shoulders in a shrug, his grin growing wider. “We can go to the bar.”

Want to win a copy of  Hounded1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy.

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: What are your favorite kinds of Shifters? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


Sadie Hart said...

Thank you so much for having me, Dani!

RFTC Blog said...

=) Thanks for coming by.

Joanne said...

I don't have a favorite kind. I love them all. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it.

*yadkny* said...

I love all kinds of shifter stories and have as of yet found none that I don't like, but I guess if I had to choose my favorite it would be from the big cat family... I love the panthers:)

Teresa Wade Sheroke said...

I love wolves, they are so sleek and beautiful to watch. They have this way of being there watching you and you never know or hear them until it's too late.

erin said...

thanks for a great post and giveaway! Going to go check out this book!

I don't really have a fav type of shifter. I like 'em all ;)

Sadie Hart said...

Thanks Joanne! And I'm not sure I could choose my favorite type of shifter either. That's a toughie.

Sadie Hart said...

Oh! Have you read Lauren Dane's de La Vega cats? They've been on my to read list for forever due to the panther/jaguars in the books.

Sadie Hart said...

Beautiful way of putting it, Teresa! Werewolves were always my first love in the shifter world. Probably because I'm a huge dog lover, but wolves/canines in general have always seemed so mystical to me. I'd love to some day glimpse a wolf in the wild, though the thought gives me chills.

Sadie Hart said...

Thank you, Erin!! I LOVE your avatar picture, so cute!

Phoenix Carvelli said...

I really like all shifters but have a special place in my heart for wolves and large cats. A werebear is cool, too!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm, hmmmm -lol
I'll say any alpha shifter is my favorite. But I do learn more towards Wolf, cougar, jaguar and bear shifters :)

All so muscular and yummy!

Best wishes of great success with your works Sadie. Hounded sounds excellent!


dragon lady 029 @ aol . com

Natasha said...

My favorite is wolves. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sadie Hart said...

Oh, I'd love to read a werebear! Any good suggestions?

Sadie Hart said...

Oh, so true. Alphas = instant awesomeness! And thank you Ava!

Sadie Hart said...

Wolves definitely seem to be a favorite. :) Thanks Natasha!

Shadow said...

Im torn. I love wolf and big cat shifters. There my favorite!!

Filia Oktarina said...

I don't have favorite kind. I read shifters wolf, coyote, and bird. They are all my favorite :)

bn100 said...

I like werewolves.

Yvette said...

I like werewolves!

Cathy M said...

Werewolves were my first shifter stories, so I have soft spot for them, lol. But I really am fascinated by all the unique storylines I come across for all the different animals. My latest find was dragons, and that was pretty magical.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

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