
Guest Post with Donna Grant and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Donna Grant. Donna is currently on tour celebrating the upcoming release of her book Midnight's Lover and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Donna, lets get to know her a bit.

Donna Grant is the bestselling, award winning author of more than twenty-five novels spanning multiple genres of romance.

She was born and raised in Texas but loves to travel. Her adventures have taken her throughout the United States as well as to Jamaica, Mexico, and Scotland. Growing up on the Texas/Louisiana border, Donna’s Cajun side of the family taught her the “spicy” side of life while her Texas roots gave her two-steppin’ and bareback riding.

Her childhood dream was to become a professional ballet dancer and study under the amazing Mikhail Baryshnikov. Though she never got to meet Baryshnikov, she did make it to New York City and performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Later, Donna’s love of the romance genre and the constant stories running through her head prompted her to sit down and write her first book. Once that book was completed, there was no turning back.

Donna sold her first book in November 2005 while displaced from Hurricane Rita, a storm that destroyed portions of the Texas Gulf Coast. Since then, Donna has sold novels and novellas to both electronic and print publishers. Her books include several complete series such as Druids Glen, The Shields, Royal Chronicles, Sisters of Magic, Dark Sword, Dark Warriors, and her new series, Dark Kings.

Despite the deadlines and her voracious reading, Donna still manages to keep up with her two young children, four cats, three fish, and one long haired Chihuahua. She’s blessed with a proud, supportive husband who loves to read and travel as much as she does.

Places to find Donna:


We all have something we fear whether it’s a monster we saw in a movie or something we face every day like…oh, I don’t know…spiders. (yes, I’m deathly afraid of the little buggers. It’s all those legs. :shudder:).

Having those fears is what makes us humans. When creating characters, authors want readers to connect to those characters, to laugh with them, to cry with them, to love with them, and even to fear with them.

So, I like to give my characters fears. Little Man (my 9 year old son) thinks I’m being mean by doing this, but I like to think of it as doing what comes naturally. After all, if I’ve got to deal with my fears daily, so do my characters.

In  Midnight's Lover the heroine, Danielle, fears she will never fit in anywhere and be forever alone. Especially since her being a Druid complicates things.

That is until Ian Kerr saves her life.

Ian fears he won’t be able to get the god inside him under control after his twin’s death. He’d rather die than be at the mercy of the god inside him, which is why he lives alone deep in the Highlands.

Until he feels Druid magic and finds the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen.

How each of us face our fears is what, ultimately, shapes us into the person we are. Some run from their fears. Others face them head on. Dani helps Ian get control of his god, and in turn, Ian gives Dani a place where she belongs at MacLeod Castle. And a love unlike no other. Together they are stronger than either could ever have imagined.

I’ll be giving away a signed copy of DARKEST HIGHLANDER, the sixth Dark Sword book, and the one that set the stage for the Dark Warrior series continuation to a commenter, so talk to me.

To find out more about me, see pics of the Warriors, take the quiz, download wallpaper, or search characters, please visit


Defenders against evil. Bound by the gods. The Dark Warriors are taking their battle from ancient Scotland to the modern world—where a woman’s love can set them free…


Driven by the fierce god within him, Highlander Ian Kerr is sworn to fight for the land he loves—and the brother he lost. But when he’s magically transported four centuries into the future, he finds himself fighting his own desires—for a beautiful, bewitching woman who could hold a warrior spellbound…


Danielle Buchanan has heard the legends. She has felt the power of Druid blood in her veins. But she has never known a man as fearsome—or as haunted—as the warrior Ian. With her magic, Dani must help him battle an ancient evil. With her heart, she must join him in his quest. But only with her soul can she free him from his curse…and seal their fates together.

Places to Purchase:

Check out the other books in the Dark Warriors series:
Click on cover for more info. 

Want to win a copy of Darkest Highlander1 lucky commenter(US ONLY) will win a copy.

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: How do you face your fears? Do you run away or face them head-on? Any advice for conquering them?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  


molly.frenzel said...

The best way to face your fears is head-on. Otherwise you'll never get over them.

*yadkny* said...

I try to face my fears head on and just try to keep in mind that things will get better, so there is that light at the end of the tunnel. As long I have that then I can make it thru.

Joanne said...

I really try to face my fears head on. I don't think there's any other way to get over them.

cait045 said...

For most fears I try to ignore them and pretend I don't have them. I really do need to try and face them more.

Donna Grant said...

Very true, Molly!

Donna Grant said...

Great attitude! :)

Donna Grant said...

Ah, well, you could ignore them. lol. :)

Donna Grant said...

No, no, I get it. I ignore the fact I'm terrified of spiders every day. My family knows my "OMG! There's a spider!" scream and run to help me. ;)

Ava said...

Well my biggest physical fears are heights and snakes. I've always run from them. Especially snakes that are on the loose. However, since having kids I've sucked up my fears because I didn't want my kids "inheriting" them (they haven't). I still have them, they are just mine alone though.

Ava Riley

erin said...

Thanks for a great post and giveaway! I need to add your new series to my wishlist :)

I face my fears head on. I'm very stubborn and I don't let them rule me!

Betty Hamilton said...

For me, facing my fears has helped to eliminate them. "A coward dies a thousand deaths" has become very personal to me and I will say it to myself when I am frozen with fear. I also like the quote "this too shall pass" which has helped me through a lot of tense situations.

Di said...

some fears you can avoid - most of the time - like my fear of heights. Other scary things have to be faced - like illness.

Chrisbails said...

I try to face them. I does also depend on the fear. Some fears are worse then others.

Anonymous said...

Wow look at all the early birds.

Chrisbails said...

I try to face them. I does also depend on the fear. Some fears are worse then others.

fingershankins said...

I try to face them but always have someone I can fall back on for strength. I love your books and can't wait for Midnight's Lover

Mina said...

Fear is a defense mechanism. While on one hand facing our fears head-on can help overcome them, on the other hand we should always listen to our instincts and the signals (fears) they send us...we should.not ignore them. I am not the kind of person who withdraws, but I do not put myself on the line either when I am afraid. Step back, evaluate, gain selfconfidence back, then act.

Donna Grant said...

Good for you!

Donna Grant said...

Great quotes, Betty!

Donna Grant said...

True. :S

Donna Grant said...

So *very* true. :)

Donna Grant said...

Thanks so much! :)

Donna Grant said...

Great advice.:)

wanda f said...

I run head on into them.I love a good challenge and enjoy showing what Im made of

Victoria said...

I've almost always faced my fears head on. It's just the way I am. I don't have any suggestions on overcoming them other than pay attention. Sometimes it's not as bad as you think.

Amy said...

I have to admit, I stick to the strategy of avoidance (when it comes to fears) whenever possible. I like to consider it a smart strategy. If it can't be avoided though, I'd rather face them head on with everything I've got.

Thanks for the giveaway :) I haven't read any of this series yet, but I've now added it tiny TBR list!

bn100 said...

I try to face them. It's better to just deal with it and get it over with.

Unknown said...

It depends on the fear. Most of them I face head on, and I usually end up thinking wow, that wasn't so bad after all! The exception is my fear of spiders. I just hate them! The hubby has to be the bug-killer of our household.


Natasha said...

I try to face them head on, it works better. Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna Grant said...

Good for you, Wanda! :)

Donna Grant said...

Depends on the fears. :)

Donna Grant said...

Thanks, Amy!

Donna Grant said...

I hear you on the spiders. Nasty buggers. :S

Donna Grant said...

Thanks, Natasha!

Yvette said...

Always head on!

Amethyst said...

I try to face my fears heads-on, it really depends on what it is.
I'm looking forward to seeing the remake of Stephen King's It even though I'm scared of clowns.. heh

Great guest-post and thank you for the giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

At first I am an ostridge with my head in the ground ~ ignore, ignore...Then I have to face them and I try to with courage and holding God's hand all the way through. I remember it is but a season and this too shall pass...God won't give me more than I can handle with His help...I am in the midst of that right now.

I love your books. I am currently getting caught up so I can read your new books as they release!


April Alvey said...

I Face My Fears Head On If You Dont You Will Be Afraid Forever.

Julianne said...

I try to avoid what I'm afraid of, bees. When they fly too close, I usually do a little scardy cat dance and make noises. I just don't like bees.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Donna Grant said...

Thank you! :)

Donna Grant said...

Thanks so much, Glittergirl. :)

Donna Grant said...

I know, I know. But facing spiders is just so...daunting. ;)

Donna Grant said...

My daughter is deathly afraid of bees, so I understand exactly what you're talking about. She does that same dance. :D

donnas said...

I run as long as I can, then face them head on. At the end though it always seems like they werent as bad as I was afraid of.

Maureen said...

It depends on what it is but I have to say my first response is usually to run.

Tiff Pull said...

I face my biggest fears with the strength of my friends and family. Without their supports running would definitively be my only option.

scarlett said...

I always run from my fears. Find a support system to help one with fears.

Tina B said...

I like to say that I face them head-on, but truthfully, sometimes it's better to run away, depending on the situation. I would say to face them head-on if it will not harm you or anyone else. It usually seems so much worse than what it actually is. I find it easier to help people get over their fears, than to conquer my own. Lol. :)

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