
Guest Post with Author Leia Shaw and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Leia Shaw back to the blog. Leia is currently on tour promoting her book Destiny Bewitched and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Leia, lets get to know her a bit.

I began my writing journey while I was stranded at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I browsed the Border’s kiosk and grew frustrated that I couldn’t find the “it factor” — the perfect combination of alpha male-ness, ass-kickery, strong females, magic, and sex.

So I spent the next four hours on an airplane writing my first book on scraps of paper and an airsick bag (which thankfully I didn't need to use).

Now I spend too much time in my head, plotting evil villains and the hot men (and women) who ruthlessly kill them. I think far too much about fae politics, dragon power games, and how fast werewolves can change forms. But writing my paranormal romance series has given me a productive place to express those dark places in my mind.

I live in New England with my husband and two kids. Though I will go to my grave denying it, my husband insists I would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.
Places to find Leia:
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Favorite types of heroes by Leia Shaw

Women love a hot, alpha male in their romance books, right? We want them well-built and well-hung, brave, protective, the type to ride in on their noble steed and save the day.

In the paranormal romance genre especially, women like the quintessential alpha male. Overprotective, possessive, arrogant, sometimes overbearing, usually self-confident. A swoon-worthy, cocky, smoldering wall of muscle with a thick head of hair, soulful eyes, and lickable lips.
I’m all for that sexilicious hero. But let’s look deeper.

For me, self-confidence is important. Knowing who he is, strengths and weaknesses, and having a healthy view of them. For an alpha, it comes down to leadership. A good leader uplifts those around him. He earns their respect and trust instead of demanding it. He rallies supporters, he doesn't bully them. He takes care of those under his care, putting their welfare above his own. He can mete out judgment and swift punishment ruthlessly as well as gentle kisses to those he loves.

In my opinion, there is nothing hotter than a man who loves his kids. Loyalty, responsibility, kindness. A family man who loves his woman with everything he’s got is the ultimate picture of sexiness.
So what part of original alpha list did I keep in Geo, my alpha hero from Destiny Bewitched?

The possessiveness and protectiveness of course! That's the good part of an alpha, right ladies? You want your man to want you and only you! You want him to stand up for you at any cost. And even if you're capable of kicking some ass on your own (yeah, I had a green belt in Tae Kwon Do, I get it), you still want your man to want to kick some ass for you!
I hope you’ll fall in love with Geo, just like the heroine Samantha does in Destiny Bewitched. Take a chance on my book and I don’t think you’ll regret it.

Just for fun, here's my list of favorite PNR heroes:
  1. Jericho Barrons from The Fever series
  2. Bones from the Night Huntress series
  3. Curran from the Kate Daniels series
  4. Any Lychan from Kresley Cole's IAD - especially Bowen!
  5. And I have to mention my all-time favorite even though it's technically not a PNR - Jamie Fraser from The Outlander series

Now your turn. What makes a good alpha hero for you?

Deemed “trailer trash” by humans and the daughter of the most disgraceful family of witches and warlocks since the Puritan age, Samantha is used to fighting her own battles. When her younger sister is taken to the Underworld, Sam doesn't hesitate to rescue her. To survive the harsh land, she makes a deal with a demon — the most dangerous of creatures in the realm. Even with those lustrous horns, Geo is as hot as the hell she's stuck in. Fighting nasty beasts in a supernatural version of the gladiator games is easy compared to falling in love with a man who has no future to offer.

Places to Purchase:

Finally, the piece she’d been fiddling with on the tape player clicked into place. She pressed play and turned up the volume. When music flowed from the small but effective speakers, she gave Geo an I-told-you-so look.

His wide eyes told her he’d probably never heard music come from a machine before. She recognized the song. I Put a Spell on You by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Somebody in the Underworld liked 70’s rock. Go figure.

“I love this song.” She placed the tape player on the bed and stood up, feeling a little reckless, a little free. Must be the wine.

The lead singer’s throaty voice and the heavy beat fit the dim room. The song was gritty and raw just like the Underworld. She looked at Geo, laid back in the chair all big and bad, strong and silent. He’d never looked so sexy.

Definitely the wine.

“Dance with me,” she commanded.

His brows lifted.

“Come on.” She grabbed his hand and tugged.

With a smirk, he let her pull him to his feet.

“Just put your hands here and here.” She guided his hands to her hip and shoulder but he yanked out of her grip.

“I know how to dance, woman,” he growled. Then he plopped both hands on her low back, just above her backside, and yanked her up against his body.

Check out the other books in Shadows of Destiny series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Leia? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Amazon/Barnes & Noble Gift Card + eBook of choice from Leia's backlist.

To Enter:
  • Answer the question: What makes a good alpha hero for you?
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. No email address no entry.
  • Giveaway ends July 20th.

Good Luck =)


Kerry said...

A good alpha is possessive and protective - hes just a MAN!!

Mary Preston said...

If your husband does suddenly sprout fangs, what a story that would be.

A hero has to be all things to all of us.


Leia Shaw said...

Thanks for having me today! this was such a fun post to write and i'm curious if other readers agree with my list of a good hero :)

Melanie said...

My ideal alpha male is buff, hung, gentle but ready to defend me, and totally in love with me as I do not share..

Joanne said...

A good Alpha male is kind, protective, slightly possessive, strong, has a good sense of humor, and loves with all his heart.

ForeverReading1 said...

A good alpha male is kind, strong, mentally stable, hard working, hard loving, hung, dependable, steady, and protective with a hint of arrogance

wanda f said...

One whos strong ,possesive of devoted to his mate so that he will do anything to protect her .He does always think he knows best but will admit when hes wrong though rarely lol.

ForeverReading1 said...

forgot email:

Anonymous said...

An alpha has to walk a fine line for me to love him. Strong but not a control freak, protective but not possessive, chivalrous but not exist. And of course, a special tender side revealed only to the one he loves...


Yvette said...

A good alpha...loyalty, possessiveness and a healthy dose of sensitivity.

Krystal Shannan said...

A good alpha is possessive and protective, but most important, loves with all his heart. krystalshannan(at)yahoo(dot)com

Natasha said...

Strong, protective, possessive and stays with his mate no matter what. Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have all of Leia's books and love each one of them! I do love my alpha males! I love the ones that are protective, possessive, loyal, and drop dead sexy!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Ooo, a good alpha is strong, determined, reasonable, attractive, caring, kind, loving (I know I'm asking a lot-lol), protective and have a gentleness to him when it comes to his mate that allows for her to get her way... Well most of the time anyway :)

dragonlady 029 @ aol . com

Proserpine said...

Hi! The perfect alpha should be protective and possessive of his female, strong, sexy, hunky, dark and mysterious (Jericho Z. Barrons!!!!):P Thanks for this chance!


MomJane said...

Strong yet sensitive. always there for you when you need him. Very protective. My Alpha male.

Melly said...

These are all my must have in an Alpha male sensitivity,possessive and protective...

Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

A good alpha is strong in more than just muscles. He should be protective & sensitive He should be a good listener & a gentleman. He should be a good lover & ur needs be as important as his. Possessive only to the extent of wanting to spend alot of time w you.

Carin said...

An alpha male should be strong, built and in charge. He needs to be possessive but loving and he needs to adore the heroine. Also a lot of hot sweaty bedroom push-ups are good ;)
Carin mawmom(@)

Julianne said...

He should be confident, loyal, honest, strong, smart, be a little bit bad boy, have a sense of humor and cherish his heroine.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

strong ,possesive of devoted to his mate so that he will do anything to protect her, sexy, badboy..
thanks for the chance ^^


Linda said...

Protective, possessive yet caring. Of course he has to be strong; hunky good looks don't hurt either!

Amy2read said...

I think he has to be strong yet soft when his woman is concerned, he should be honest, loyal and protective of his loved ones.

bn100 said...

An alpha would be someone who's protective and caring.


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