
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Laurie London and Giveaway

Laurie London is the author of the Sweetblood and Iron Portal series—dark, sexy paranormal romance, set primarily in the Pacific Northwest. Publisher’s Weekly calls the Sweetblood series “sexy” and “sizzling.” Her latest release, ASSASSIN’S TOUCH, kicks off the new Iron Portal series.

She lives on a small farm outside of Seattle with her husband, two children and a variety of animals. After graduating cum laude with a business degree from Western Washington University, she worked for a Fortune 500 company as a programmer/tester and an underwriter. Her other jobs included cocktail waitress, hotel maid, candy store manager and bridal gown sales.

When not writing, she can be found running, reading, sewing, making jewelry, mucking stalls, volunteering or riding her horse. Someday she hopes to qualify for the Quarter Horse World Show – that is, if her horse doesn’t get hurt again.

Places to find Laurie:
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These change all the time, depending on my mood. But today, after going through my bookshelves (physical and electronic), here are my current hotties. As you can see, my picks range from YA dystopian to New Adult to adult paranormal to historical and erotic romance. There’s a little something for everyone.

1. Cinna from Hunger Games/Catching Fire – Who wouldn’t want their own personal stylist like Cinna?

2. Zsadist from the BDB series – I still get misty-eyed when I think about the scene when, after learning how to read, he reads to Bella.

3. Alex from Delirium – He’s bold, when everyone else is scared. He opens Lena’s eyes to the dystopia around them and saves her from a horrible future. I can’t wait to read book 3, which just came out.

4. Braden from On Dublin Street – He’s a rich and powerful businessman, but at the same time, he’s tender, caring and just what Joss needs to heal.

5. Dain from Lord of Scoundrels – An oldie, but goodie! He’s such an alpha-hole, but the spunky clever Jessica tames him, until he’s eating from the palm of her gloved hand at the end.

6. Lucas from Easy – You think he’s going to be a badboy, but he’s amazingly supportive of the challenges Jacqueline is facing. Plus, his backstory is such a heartache that you want to hold and comfort him like she did.

7. Dante from Kiss of Crimson – He’s a true badboy vampire who stalks the woman he falls in love with. I loved the sexy scene at the museum/gallery with people all around them.

8. Bones from the Night Huntress series — The chemistry between Bones and Cat is redhot. It’s an enemies to lovers story, even through multiple books.

9. Tobias from Divergent – A badass with a brain, he’s one of Tris’ trainers and for a while, you don’t know if he’s the enemy.

10. Chris from If I Were You – It’s the ultimate fantasy—a famous, rockstar-like artist who falls in love with a schoolteacher…and they have lots of great sex.

Rescued by a stranger.
Haunted by a secret
Sometimes, love isn’t easy…

He watched her, but never knew her. Until thanks to a chance encounter, he became her savior…

The attraction between them was undeniable. Yet the past he’d worked so hard to overcome, and the future she’d put so much faith in, threatened to tear them apart.

Only together could they fight the pain and guilt, face the truth—and find the unexpected power of love.

A groundbreaking novel in the New Adult genre, Easy faces one girl's struggle to regain the trust she's lost, find the inner strength to fight back against an attacker, and accept the peace she finds in the arms of a secretive boy.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Two worlds. Two enemies.

Haunted by loss, Cascadian assassin Rickert D’Angelus is on a mission of vengeance. Determined to stop the Pacifican army from finding a portal to his world, he leads a group of warriors into New Seattle with one goal—to kill all Pacifican soldiers.

Neyla Trihorn had the perfect life until a deadly accident revealed her latent paraabilities. Now, the former fashion designer is the Pacifican army’s hottest commodity in their fight against the invaders.

When Rickert discovers a beautiful, unconscious soldier on a cold mountain ledge near the portal, he realizes she’s a Protection-Talent and cannot be killed. To prevent the army from using her skills again, he takes her as his prisoner instead.

One fated touch…

But when he pulls her into his arms, a sexy and compelling vision appears, awakening something inside him. Something he can’t ignore.

Torn between duty and passion, Rickert must decide if the vision is a Talent trick designed to foil the enemy or the answer to his deepest desires...

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Laurie.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Leslie Miner said...

Assassin's Touch sounds really intriguing! Definitely adding it to my TBR list. Love, love, love alpha type males. Thank you for a chance to win a copy!

Unknown said...

I'm a big fan of the Sweetblood series, so I know Assassin's Touch will be great. How could you NOT love Bones and Zhadist, Bones is such a sexy acoundrel and Zhadist just breaks your heart.

sheryl said...

I love your books! I have heard of some of your picks, but not all. I love Bones, Z and Dante. Thanks for the chance to win

Cassie Polla said...

I would love to read this book. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'll be looking up some of your picks and really agree with the Bones one :)

Tracey said...

Thankyou for the giveaway x

Amy said...

Wow, I haven't read any of those books, so thanks for all the recs! Sounds like a lot of good book boyfriends! :)

Victoria said...

I love your book boyfriend choices. Larissa Ione's Wraith Seminus was my very first book boyfriend. I love his sarcastic sense of humor. Gena Showalter's Maddox was my second. He's so BAD! Love him.
Thank you :).

Stephanie said...

Zsadist is one of my favorites, too, and who couldn't love Braden. On Dublin Street is a new book on my keeper list. Thanks for some new books to check out.

Laurie London said...

Thanks, Leslie! And I love those alpha guys too!!!

Preet said...

I love how your bad boys are from all these different genres. There are some quality men you've chosen and in books across the board. I love it!

Laurie London said...

I'm so thrilled, Sebella, you're enjoying the Sweetblood books. Yay for Bones and Z!

Laurie London said...

Thanks, Sheryl!

Laurie London said...

I'm glad I could help expand your book boyfriend list, Amy. ;-)

Laurie London said...

Omg Yes, Wraith cracks me up. I probably should've included him too!

Laurie London said...

I seriously loved ODS. Every time Braden was in a scene w/ another one of his "babes," I wanted to get violent!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Always fun to be reminded writers are first and foremost readers.

Laurie London said...

So glad you like my list, Chanpreet!

Janna said...

You have great taste in book boyfriends!!!! I have yet to read Easy but its now on my TBR list!

laurie said...

Assassin's Touch sounds really intriguing! Definitely adding it to my TBR list.

lorimeehan said...

What's the strangest thing that's given you an idea for a book?

Laurie London said...

Thanks, Laurie! Hope you enjoy it!

Laurie London said...

Love Bones!!!

Laurie London said...

Thanks, Janna! I bet you'll love Easy!

Laurie London said...

Hi Lori, great question! My ideas come from a lot of different sources, but my Sweetblood series started when I drove past a small cemetery near my home. The first scene of Bonded By Blood was inspired by me wondering what I'd do if a vampire was hiding under a pile of leaves.

erin said...

Congrats to Laurie on the new release! This sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing :) What was the most fun thing you've done to "research" a book?

Timitra said...

Laurie your list is filled with a lot of books I've been dying to read!

jmcgaugh said...

I've read a couple of your choices, but it looks like there are a lot of books I need to read!

Unknown said...

I love some of the books you listed. I will be adding you to my tbr pile...

Unknown said...

I would have never have thought about Cinna! Great choice!

Mary Preston said...

Cinna would be very welcome around here. My taste is book boyfriends changes daily I think. So fickle!!

rebecca said...

Awesome book boyfriend list! I'd be hard pressed to come up with one, as mine seems to change nearly daily--and I'm always on the lookout for more!

Mary Kirkland said...

I am going to have to read these books now. They look great.

Dark Thoughts Blog

Unknown said...

oh your book sounds wonderful and the cover is super sexy, love it. I heard Easy was an awesome book but I have not had a chance to read it.

Natasha said...

Bones is one of my favorites!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Casey said...

I love that you have a whole list of book boyfriends! They all definitely sound like they are wonderful in completely different ways! I love Tobias from Divergent as well! Thanks for sharing your list!

Di said...

I'm always intrigued with the world authors create - and wonderful characters bring it all together.

Linda said...

I read mainly historical romance & definitely recognize Dain from Lord of Scoundrels. That was such a good book!

krg said...

You are a new author to me. I love many of your bbf picks and your book sounds really good, I am looking forward the checking it out!

Joanne said...

Both of these books sound fantastic. I've never read anything by either author. Can't wait to start. Thanks for the gueat post and giveaway.

Laurie London said...

Thanks, Erin! That's a good question. A significant event in Tempted By Blood takes place at a cemetery that high school kids visit. It was inspired by one near my home (a different cemetery than the one that inspired me in Bonded By Blood--I've got a thing for cemeteries, I guess). I found a guy online who'd been there and he offered to take me there at midnight. (It's hidden in the forest and surrounded by private property, just like the one in the book.) I seriously considered it, but decided it wouldn't be wise to meet up with some dude I met online in a setting like that! Even if I brought my husband or friends with me. LOL

Laurie London said...

Thanks so much, Danielle, for having me on!!! And thanks, everyone, for your wonderful comments. I'm glad you liked my book boyfriend list. ;-)


Unknown said...

These both look great, fingers crossed!

Michelle said...

I'm a huge fan of the BDB too, and love Zsadist! I haven't read Assassin's Touch...yet! It's on my list of books to read this year. I'm sure I'll be adding Rickert to my list of book boyfriends,too.

Heather said...

Assassin's Touch sounds great. can't wait to check it out.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

Assassin's Touch is in my TBR pile! This is such a fun giveaway and I can't wait to add to my list of London's books.

SheriV said...

I have Easy in print just sitting there waiting for me to read. I really should do that.

PM350 said...

Assassins Touch cover looks YUMMY
would love to win and read

Texas Book Lover said...

You have some great choices on that list! There are some I have read and others I haven't but have on my list and one or two I hadn't heard of but will now be adding!

Congrats on Assassins Touch it sounds fantastic!

Thanks so much!

Kim said...

I haven't read the books on your list, but I know they're getting a lot of buzz.

May said...

Love Bones too... I like Tobias as well... Couldn't get into Delirium though...

lisagkendall said...

Bones is on my list. But I'm not familiar with Easy or the characters. Thanks for the heads up.

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Leannessf said...

Loved your list! We have the same taste on both YA and adult books, though I still have to read Easy and On Dublin Street!!


Pam said...

I love Chris from If I Were You. The book was amazing!

Cathy P said...

I haven't read any of these books. They sound good.


Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Uwah! I love Four too!! Looking forward to the movie. Ooo Alex, I just started on Delirium so we'll see! And Cinna, what an interesting choice. Good reasoning though.

Jolene and Family said...

I sooo loved your Sweetblood series and can't wait to read your Iron Portal series!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing these books and for offering the giveaway!

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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