
Review: Real by Katy Evans

Wow. I'm not really sure what to say besides the fact that this book was AMAZING. I had my reservations about this book and I wasn't really sure I would like it. Oh my, but I'm am so glad I was wrong. I couldn't put this book down. It's raw and intense and so freaking good!

I loved the chemistry between Remy and Brooke and I actually enjoyed that their relationship rushed. They didn't immediately jump into bed together and honestly I liked that. Their relationship felt real and I got a real sense of the feelings they felt for one another. It's not just lust between them. Don't get me wrong though, there is plenty of lust between them, it's just that their relationship is so much more than that. 

Remington "Remy" is an intense hero and oh my goodness is he swoon worthy. I think the moment he first played 'Iris' for Brooke I was a goner. He's a sexy alpha and all he wants is Brooke. *sigh* He hasn't had an easy life. He's spent his life fighting whether it's in the ring or out and he doesn't really know how to show his affection. He expresses himself through songs and to be honest, some of my favorite moments are when he's sharing songs with Brooke. I found myself on the edge of my seat wondering what song he was going to play for her and just how it was going to express what he was feeling at that moment. 

As for Brooke, I found that I really liked her character. She's not a pushover and I love how fiercely she loves Remy and just wants to protect him. Yes, she does do a few things that were annoying, but all in all I loved her with Remy. 

Honestly I can't wait to read more from this author and I can't wait to get my hands on the next book in this series. I LOVED this book and I can't wait to see what else is in store for Remy and Brooke.

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Em said...

Great review, made me buy the book

RFTC Blog said...

That's great to hear. I hope you enjoy it.

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