
Feature and Giveaway: Archer by Debra Kayn

She's on the run . . .

Jane Beaumont currently has in her possession: a cat, a hundred grand in cash, and a pistol. She's on her way home to Bay City, Oregon-and away from the nightmare of her violent ex-boyfriend. She'll lay low at Beaumont Body Shop, a car detailer that runs a private investigation agency in the back. The only wrench in her plan is Kage Archer: sexy, strong, and intent on protecting Jane at all costs. She's wanted Kage forever, but putting him in harm's way is not a risk she's willing to take.

He's not going anywhere

Kage is no stranger to the dark side of life, but he's always walked on the right side of the law. Yet when Jane expressed her interest in him years ago, he pushed her away for her own good. Now, after learning of all she's endured, Kage can't leave her side-or hide his need for her. When a frightening situation turns dire, can Kage convince Jane that the safest place to be is in his arms?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Romance Author, Debra Kayn, lives with her family in the beautiful coastal mountains of Oregon on a hobby farm. She enjoys riding motorcycles, gardening, playing tennis, and fishing. A huge animal lover, she always has a dog under her desk when she writes and chickens standing at the front door looking for a treat. She's famous in her family for teaching a 270 lb hog named Harley to jog with her every morning.

Her love of family ties and laughter makes her a natural to write heartwarming contemporary stories to the delight of her readers. Oh, let's cut to the chase. She loves to write about REAL MEN and the WOMEN who love them.

When Debra was nineteen years old, a man kissed her without introducing himself. When they finally came up for air, the first words out of his mouth were…will you have my babies? Considering Debra's weakness for a sexy, badass man, who is strong enough to survive her attitude, she said yes. A quick wedding at the House of Amour and four babies later, she's living her own romance book.

Places to find Debra:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win an NetGalley copy of Archer

To Enter: 
  • Must have a NetGalley Account. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Sounds like Jane has some interesting secrets that are just waiting to be revealed. I also like the name Kage. Very original.

Cute story about Debra meeting her hubby!

krg said...

This sounds suspenseful and exciting and so perfect for me. Thanks for the chance to win!

kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book....put it on my wish list!!!

Anonymous said...

This book sounds so great– I love reading anout the tough but insanely protective heroes!

Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! I'd love to read this book, so fingers crossed. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Marcy Meyer said...

There's nothing better than a romantic suspense book. It has everything. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Charlotte said...

Nice give away, thank you.

lisagkendall said...

I want to win this book because of Debra's own romance story and because I love this cover. Thanks for asking. lisagk(at)yahoo

Unknown said...

Love the book cover and love description of this story.

Jan Hougland said...

Debra, it is so nice to "meet" you today on this blog. Your story of Kage and Jane sounds like a great romantic suspense tale. I like the combo of intrigue/suspense and makes for exciting tales. Thanks for posting on this blog today so I could be introduced to you and your writing.

Jan Hougland said...

Oh, forgot to mention that yes, I do have a NetGalley account. Thanks again for this chance.

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