
Feature and Giveaway: Dancing with Detective Danger by Lynn Crandall

Uncovering secrets and exposing truth are all in a day’s work for private investigator Sterling Aegar. But when her latest case threatens to reveal her own buried feelings for an old love, Sterling runs for cover.

A body in the bathtub and pleas from a jilted wife to find her wayward husband mean a welcome break from the usual humdrum cases Sterling and her sister, Lacey, are called to investigate. But when Sterling’s old flame, Detective Ben Kirby, walks into the murder scene, she feels her world spin out of control. Danger from thugs and murderers poses no greater threat than the peril she’d suffer if she lets daredevil Ben get too close.

Seeing Sterling for the first time in two years is for Ben like drinking in a healing tonic. He could never forget the way it felt to run his hands over her delicious curves or the way she touched his soul. She remains the one person who can make the emptiness in his gut go away. Finding the murderer is his job, but protecting Sterling from seriously dangerous people is his mission.

As the case unfolds, Sterling and Ben not only solve the murder and locate the missing husband, they confront secrets that set them each free from a painful past.

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Here’s a peek at the main characters’ first meet up in since their break up two years ago, told from the hero’s point of view.

Ben stood behind the richly embroidered drapes at the condo’s living room window and discreetly watched Sterling walk to the car as he shuffled paperwork through his fingers. Her petite frame, dressed in a slim gray suit, pulled his attention as though he had no control.

That’s the way it was with her. He hadn’t seen her for two years, but all during that time he’d been unable to will her out of his thoughts for very long. Seeing her up close and feeling her presence today had stirred up old feelings inside him. After they’d gotten together, the terrible aloneness he’d grown to live with had vanished. It hadn’t mattered that before she’d come along he’d had no one, no family, because she’d completely filled the emptiness in his gut. Then when she left, he’d felt all the more alone for having known but lost her.

Sterling’s straight, chestnut-colored hair had grown longer, brushing gently against her slim shoulders. He liked it. And the two years apart had worn beautifully on her fine-boned face. She looked even lovelier than he remembered. In the brief moments he’d stood next to her, he’d taken in everything: her shapely curves, her intense, blue-green eyes, her sensuously curved lips the color of a rich Merlot wine.

Ben’s stomach tightened. It had to happen sooner or later, he thought to himself. Even though Sterling had left his life, it seemed inevitable that they’d run into each other sometime while working a case. He’d like to think it meant their destinies were intimately intertwined. That even though their paths might occasionally diverge and meander, they were actually headed in the same direction. She’d been emphatic at their breakup that there was no future for the two of them—that they wanted different things in life—but he just didn’t believe it. He believed in possibilities, and though in the interim he’d given Sterling her space, the hope remained strong in him that eventually, along the way, they would come together again, perhaps even stronger than before.

Ben watched Sterling drive away and couldn’t help himself. Was it too much to hope maybe this time it could be different?

Lynn Crandall started spinning stories as a child when she tried to entertain her younger sister at night when they were supposed to be going to sleep. In the dark, her stories typically took on a scary or paranormal element -- didn't do much to put them to sleep. Today, she hopes her stories still fail to put readers to sleep, but rather take them on a journey. That's what she’s been on since she decided to make writing her focus. As a reporter and magazine feature writer, she truly enjoys learning as she works on stories. As a romance writer, she enjoys doing the research and following an evolving story of the characters.

Places to find Lynn:
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  • 1 lucky person will win a $10 Gift Card (Amazon or Barnes & Noble)

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Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Da Angel said...

Thank you for giveaway

Rita Wray said...

I enjoyed the excerpt and am looking forward to reading more.


kathy p said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for the giveaway! This book sounds great! What's your favorite genre to read?

May said...

Love the excerpt!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! I love Amazon, so fingers crossed for the giveaway. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Lynn said...

Thank you for hosting me today. I love your blog!

erin said...

Congrats Lynn on the new release! Thanks for sharing!

Charlotte said...

Would love to have this book.

Lynn said...

Thank you for visiting!

Lynn said...

Good luck!

Lynn said...

Thank you so much for your kind words!

Lynn said...

I love reading and writing romantic suspense and paranormal romance. If you had an ability, as characters do in paranormal romances, what would yours be?

Thank you for visiting!

Lynn said...

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Lynn said...

Good luck! I love the ease and instant gratification of getting a book for my Kindle from Amazon.

Lynn said...

I would love for you to have it! Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Cool excerpt. Thanks :-)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. The excerpt got me interested :)

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing the great excerpt and the giveaway. This book sound like a very good one.

Lynn said...

Thank you! I appreciate your support.

Lynn said...

I'm glad it piqued your interest!

Lynn said...

Thanks for your interest!

Unknown said...

I am just starting to read romantic suspense and this sounds like a good one to add to my list. I like the name Sterling, I don's see it too much.

Lynn said...

Thank you for your interest!

I love names. I picked Sterling and Lacey for the sisters because they are different in personality and approach to life. Sterling has an edge and Lacey is soft-hearted.

lisagkendall said...

Thanks for the excerpt. I love that Ben's hope has stayed alive while they were apart. lisagk(at)yahoo

Anonymous said...

I really liked getting the excerpt from Ben's POV, gave me insight into his feelings at seeing Sterling again.

strive4bst(AT) yahoo(Dot) com

Jan Hougland said...

Wow, Lynn. Am I ever glad I "met" you on this blog today. I love mystery and romance go-to fave for reading when I want to "get away from it all." My staycation some call it. The long blurb on this blog that talked about Sterling and Ben sounded like a terrific courtship "dance." And now I want to read it! :-)

Mary Preston said...

DANCING WITH DETECTIVE DANGER is such a great title.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway.

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