
Feature and Giveaway: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan

Baking is in Issy Randall’s blood. Growing up above her grandfather’s bakery taught Issy that a delicious pastry could make any day better. So when she’s laid off from her desk job—by the man she thought was her boyfriend, no less—Issy knows now is the time to start her own little café.

Armed with her grandfather’s tried and true recipes, as well as her own new dishes, Issy’s new dream job should be a piece-of-cake, right? But managing a café, delivering products on time and trying to have a new love life aren’t exactly going as Issy planned. And when her ex comes back into the picture, perhaps with his own motives, Issy’s search for the perfect pastry and a groundbreaking idea to save her café are much more than she bargained for…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Jenny Colgan was a fussy eater as a child and didn’t even begin to learn to cook until she was 21, when her then boyfriend tried to teach her a few basics purely out of exasperation. While she is now able to make a variety of good, wholesome food for her family, she still can’t make scones. A former columnist for The Guardian, Jenny contributes regularly to national BBC radio and is the bestselling author of more than eleven novels, including The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris (coming out in the US in early 2014). She is married with three children and lives in London and France.

Places to find Jenny:

Follow along all month long for a chance to win a copy of this highly-anticipated and deliciously delightful new novel!


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What is your favorite baked treat?
  • US/Canada Entries ONLY!
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mary Kirkland said...

Favorite baked treat for me will always be red velvet cake. I don't like icing so I just bake them in muffin tins and eat them like muffins sometimes for breakfast. lol I'm naughty.

dawn said...

My typicallymothers homeade vanilla cake

dawn said...

My typicallymothers homeade vanilla cake

Unknown said...

My favorite treat is a chocolate cake with homemade chocolate peanut butter frosting.

Rebe said...

I love pound cake! I could eat it for all the meals!

May said...

Brownies! Love them!

Sandy Kenny said...

Oooh....that's a difficult one to answer. I love way too many treats, but I think I love fudge brownies the most. I am in the process of trying to lose weight, so treats such as brownies have become rare....

kathy p said...

sea salt caramel brownies!

Marcy Meyer said...

I am a cookie girl, all the way! I'll take a chocolate chip or sugar cookie over cake or cupcakes. I do like brownies too, but cookies usually win out in a contest.

Unknown said...

Raspberry chocolate cheesecake or really any cheesecake.

Rita Wray said...

I love chocolate cake.


Kathleen O said...

I love pastries and especially if they have apples...

LRAtRandom said...

I love chocolate cake with chocolate icing mushed up in a bowl of milk! Yums

laurie said...

Brownies! Love them!

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Oh, far too many to name them all~ I love anything chocolate ~ Chocolate cupcakes, chocolate cake, chocolate pie, chocolate cookies... apple pie ~ cobblers... Hummingbird Cake~ I could go on and on... Thank you for the delicious giveaway! Meet Me At The Cupcake Café is on my TBR List and I can't wait to read it! Happy Reading and Writing~ Cheers~ Elizabeth MacGregor

NoraA said...

My all time favorite baked treat is Key Lime Pie, and thankfully one of my adopted sons is a Graduate Baker from the C.I.A.. All I need to do is drop off the limes and beg. LOL


Sharlene said...

Cheesecake is my favorite dessert!

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sue G. said...

Anything lemon...donuts, cake, cookies..

erin said...

red velvet cupcakes :)

divavixenqueen said...

Apple pie.

Connie said...

Yellow or lemon cupcakes with homemade buttercream frosting. Oh yummy.


Unknown said...

Favorite baked treat is brownies with walnuts. MMMMMMMMMMMMM so good! With a scoop of vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate syrup. Man, I think I just gave myself the biggest craving ever! lol
Thanks for the giveaway!

Jan Hougland said...

My fave baked treat is a homemade dutch apple pie. Nice to "meet" you on this blog, Jenny. Congrats on your new release. Thanks for the chance!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Warm, homemade apple pie on vanilla ice cream.
Thanks :-)

Angela - Bookaunt said...

I love brownies with nuts in them. Thank you for the chance to win.

Wanda (A Book Lover's Retreat) said...

I'd love to read this book. Thank you for the giveaway.

Wanda Barefoot

Unknown said...

Eclairs are my favorite baked treat, yummy...

Colleen said...

Chocolate chip cookies.

traveler said...

Mille Feuilles. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

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