
Fall into Romance Event with Annie Seaton

I live in Australia, on the beautiful north coast of New South Wales. I sit in my writing chair and look out over the tranquil Pacific Ocean., I am fulfilling my lifelong dream of writing romance, and currently have thirteen books published and available, with more to come in 2015, including my first print single title with Pan Macmillan Australia.

I write contemporary romance and love telling the stories that always have a happily ever after.
I live with my own hero of many years. Our two children are now grown up and married, and we have two beautiful grandchildren. We share our home with "Bob" the dog and two white cats.

Find Annie at:

How Annie Seaton fell head first into romance:

When I was in my teens, the first time my mother let me read one of her romances, I felt very grown up. (The black and white photo of me was taken about the time I discovered romance! I’m the one on the right! ) I devoured the first book in one sitting and was hooked for life. Many years passed and I continued to read, discovering many wonderful authors in my journey. Study, marriage, children and career filled my days and my husband would smile when I’d say (very often) ‘I’m going to write a romance one day.’

Three years ago, I followed that dream and I did it! I wrote a romance and the wonderful Entangled Publishing contracted it.

Since then, I have been very busy and have written seventeen books in just over three years. I have written sexy and sweet, historical and paranormal…and romantic suspense.

I have discovered my first love is the same as that very first book I read in my teenage years. Sweet romance where there are lots of kids, pets, and quirky secondary characters. And of course romance!

Tell me what you love most about reading romance?

The one passion they had in common was the one that would keep them apart.

Artist Sienna Sacchi is about to have everything she’s ever dreamed of, when sexy playboy Jack Montgomery comes strolling back into her life as the owner of her gallery. Her plan to buy it herself ruined, she refuses to let him interfere with the most important thing—her debut exhibition. But Jack’s not just taking over her workplace, he’s also intruding on her art studio, her home, and maybe even her heart.

Jack Montgomery has few rules for his carefree life, but never mixing business with pleasure is one he is determined to keep. He’d planned on finally satisfying the tension between him and Sienna, but discovering he’s her boss puts an immediate end to that. Unfortunately, being forced to share a tiny apartment with the gorgeous, tempting sculptor is pushing Jack to his limits. One brush with desire could ruin everything they’ve worked for.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Tell me what you love most about reading romance?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Annie Seaton for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I love getting an escape from my reality. When I read romance, I can be part of that world and pretend I am the characters.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about new love and connecting with the characters.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Filia Oktarina said...

The fight beetwen Hero and Heroin. LOL!

Filia Oktarina said...

ops, heroine.

Sue G. said...

The happy ending! I love my happy endings!

MrsMac19 said...

I enjoy the HEAs and the clear break from reality that romances offer. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Alina P said...

I love that I know how it ends... in the end it's a HEA and it makes me happy :)

Unknown said...

I love the falling in love two people can find each other...against all odds!

Unknown said...

I love how I can become engrossed in the characters. I love laughing and rooting for their happy ending. To just be somewhere else for a little while

cutiephinphin said...

What I love most about reading romance is the falling in love and being in love part. Since I can't get mine to be as exciting and hot, I can at least get myself engrossed into the characters, feel and imagine from there.

Aubie Ann said...

What I love most about reading romance is that characters that are hurting, heal, bad boys find good girls and single parents find love again as a family.

Jen B. said...

Obviously, I love the romance. That feeling that two people were meant to be together. I also love the escape from reality. I generally don't read books with people like me in them. I like to live vicariously!

Annwitch said...

I love seeing the relationships build. Especially when there is a barrier that comes between the too. When true love prevails it's the best read.

Barbara E. said...

I love seeing two people get together, many times through adversity, or just misunderstandings. Having that happily ever after is always the best part of a story, in my opinion. :D

Sophia Rose said...

I've been reading romance for so long that I haven't really given much thought to why. So let's see...escape reading for sure, HEA after a struggle, many different types of romance plot and all are good, passion and emotions. I guess just a lot of things.

Fun to learn about Annie's first time with romance. Thanks for the giveaway.

Christine A. said...

I love reading romance stories because of the little butterfly feelings I get when the hero and heroine get together. Then of course the HEA ending.

Mary Preston said...

The HEA of course. Love the character interactions.

Lynn's Romance Enthusiasm said...

What I love about reading romance is that I can get so involved in the story that I forget the stress of the day and any other worries that just bring me down.


As You Wish Reviews said...

Reading stimulates my mind... ahem! I love reading about different characters, exciting plot lines, and amazing places. It plays like a movie in my brain and it is a great escape when I am feeling low.

It is most exciting when a romance is combined with a thrilling plot line. Then, I am unable to put the book down until I am done! Thank you Annie for Dangerous Desire...

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie. I like the HEA and reading them just makes me happy.

Marcy Shuler

Anonymous said...

I love reading all sorts of genres... But romance I like reading other peoples stories how they met, how they fought, how they got there HEA angst drama makes a more compelling read and sometimes its nice to just read a book without all that and it surprises u along the way

erin said...

The HEA!! Thanks for sharing :)

Glenda said...

Reading is my way to relax at the end of the day - or when I have time during the day. I know when I read a romance that no matter how hard the struggle or how long the journey the H & H will get their HEA.

Lisa W said...

I love to escape into the world that I am reading about and get lost in the characters and their lives. I am a hopeless romantic myself but have never had a spouse or boyfriend that has ever been romantic so I sometimes try to put myself in place of the characters.

Cheryl S. said...

Reading romance gives me an escape from my everyday life. I am a stay at home caretaker for my 87 yr old mother and I don't really enjoy daytime TV, so reading gives me that escape that I need when I can't go anywhere. I live for the HEA's ;)

MissRlovesbooks said...

I like the build of the relationship. Romance is heartwarming and gives me all these feels. That makes it a good read to me. Thanks for the chance :)

The Smiths said...

I do the same when I am writing, Marcy.

The Smiths said...

Good Luck, Lindsey V!

The Smiths said...

Yes the conflict is always fun, Filia!

The Smiths said...

I will always guarantee one, Sue!

The Smiths said...

Escaping into romance is a wonderful place to be.

The Smiths said...

I will always guarantee one,Alina!

The Smiths said...

One of my favorite movies, Jan was "Against All Odds'.

The Smiths said...

That's the best part, Anna.

The Smiths said...

Imagination is important

The Smiths said...

I'll keep that in mind for my next stories. I'd love to do a single Dad one, Aubie Ann.

Shari said...

Love the escape of everyday life, plus the HEA.

Preet said...

I love seeing the characters over come personal and physical obstacles to find each other.

JanD said...

I love the characters' journey to their HEA.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

The Smiths said...

Me too, JanD

The Smiths said...

The overcoming of the obstacles make the HEA even better!

The Smiths said...

Being able to put yourself into a book is half the fun, Lisa!

The Smiths said...

A sweet romance with loving families can be just as satisfying as a book with much angst!

The Smiths said...

Romance is the best escape from every day life!

The Smiths said...

Me too, Jen B!

The Smiths said...

The bigger the barrier, the better the HEA!

The Smiths said...

HEA is the best ending ...that's what I love about writing romance!

The Smiths said...

Thanks for your thoughts. Sophia!

The Smiths said...

The butterfly feelings is a great description, Christine!

The Smiths said...

The HEA seems to be the winner! Thanks for dropping by and commenting!

MsAwesome said...

^^ Yep! No matter what or the circumstances, you know there is a HEA at the end ;)

Karen H said...

I enjoy reading Historical Romances most of all...mainly for the escape from daily life and I've always loved history. So what could be better but a combination of romance and history?

Sandy Kenny said...

I love romance for so many different reasons, but the one that sticks in my mind the most these days is that Romance is the reading I turn to when my life is in complete turmoil. I can always count on these wonderful people (the authors) to pull me out of whatever funk I seem to be in. I know it probably sounds really weird, but it's kind of like a therapy for me when I feel overwhelmed from kids (4 of them, 2 of whom have disabilities); work (I work an overnight shift so I can be home during the day for kids); and the constant arm wrestling that needs to be done with my mother-in-law's doctors (I'm her care taker)...So, in a sense Romance is my therapy and you authors are my therapists (no pressure there, right?!)...Thanks for keeping me sane! ;)

Ada said...

Gotta love a good journey to a HEA and having lots of book boyfriends!! LOL!

Ricky said...

I love seeing how authors are put to the test, to see just how descriptive they can be. Sometimes scenes make get a bit too spicy, but that's just more fun for everyone, right? ;D

Anita H. said...

It's the pure escapism from real life. Where I can just immerse myself in a story and fall in love with the hero and heroine's road to their HEA.

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