
Review: Fantasized by You by Steph Nuss

Fantasized by You is the second book in the Love in the City series by Steph Nuss. This book can easily be read as a standalone with interconnected characters. I was really excited when I found out that this was Maverick and Harper's story. I really liked Maverick after reading the first book, and I loved his friendship with Elly. It was great to see a different side of him in this book though, and I really enjoyed his and Harper's story.

Maverick Jones is a personal trainer and successful gym owner, but he is opening up a clinic within his gym to help those with eating disorders. When his best friend Elly brings up the idea of having mentors within the clinic, he reluctantly agrees to meet with someone that she says wants to help out. When Maverick meets Harper though, they quickly get off on the wrong foot. While Harper is beautiful and Maverick is attracted to her, she is also a fashion designer. Maverick has a problem with the fashion industry and the expectations that they place on women. But he soon realizes that Harper is more than just her job and that he wants her in his life and in his bed.

Maverick was impossible not to fall in love with. I really loved his character in the first book, and I loved his friendship with Elly. But in this story we get to know him better and see what makes him who he is. He was smart and successful, and I loved how open and honest he was. He was a fun guy that wasn't afraid to apologize when he needed to or say what he was feeling, and I really admired that. I loved Harper from the start. She was smart and beautiful, and had been through a lot. I loved that she wanted to use her past and pain to help others in similar situations to hers. She was a good person, and I thought that she was perfect for Mav. They were so cute together, and I loved how real and believable they were together. They had a ton of chemistry, but they were also just one of those cute couples that you can't help but be envious of.

Overall, this was a great addition to the series. I really love all these characters and I loved seeing Elly and Carter again. But Maverick and Harper were so much fun to read about and I really lost myself in their story. I couldn't stop turning the pages, and I enjoyed every bit of their book. These two were super cute, and I can't wait to get more in this series. I love how light and easy these books are to read. Steph Nuss has done a great job of creating these likable characters that are all so different, but fit together perfectly. Their group has such great chemistry as a whole, but I really love watching them all pair off as well. What really makes this series so great though is that these books are all so real. There isn't a ton of angst and drama, and the characters are open and honest. It is really refreshing and makes these books so great to read. I highly recommend this series to contemporary fans, and I think that this series is one that everyone can find something to relate to. But if you are a romance fan, I think that you will enjoy this series regardless of what genre you normally read. I can't wait to get more of all these characters and from Steph Nuss in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by Author**

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