
ARC Review: Bear Attraction by Jennifer Ashley

Shifter Unbound book 6.5 OMG I missed one! I missed Wild Wolf! But it’s ok; even if you missed the last one too it’s ok everything you need to know is explained in a nutshell. I have been waiting for Rebecca’s book since I started the series I love her strong Kodiak bear self and who better for her than the shifter understanding strong human Walker. A novella yes but by no means is it lacking in story content. It is jam pack full of emotion, action and suspense I loved it.

Rebecca is trying to outrun a bunch of dumb hunters and is caught on private property and instead of getting locked up Walker has set it up to where she instead helps him find Joanne’s missing sister, Nancy. Walker working as the liaison between the Shifters in Austin Shiftertown and the humans he is charged with finding Nancy because it is suspected she was taken by shifter. With Rebecca’s help Walker has more of a chance infiltrating in with shifter groupies and finding out information. Broderick and Joanne help and give clues to where Nancy was last seen. Dresses as a groupie Walker goes with Rebecca to a roadhouse to get information. The attraction between Walker and Rebecca is outstanding the closer they are the more they can’t stop touching each other and the fact that Walker is a potential mate for Rebecca throws her for a loop. Finding out what happened to Nancy exposes a new pack of shifters and introduces some new ones (wink, wink).

I really love this series and this one is a great addition to the series I wait on baited breath for more especially the next one, Mate Bond, a new shiftertown and new shifters to fall in love with.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

I'm still on Wild Wolf, but I'm glad this one is good.

Brooke Showalter said...

Ugh, I so need to read this series!! It's been one I've been wanting to read but I haven't made it there yet. It needs pushed up the TBR though. Great review!

Brooke @ Brooke Blogs

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