
ARC Review: Honeytrap by Crystal Green

Honeytrap is the first book I've read by Crystal Green, and it is also the first book in her Aidan Falls series. While the blurb sounded promising and I liked the cover, I have to say that this book was a little all over the place to me. There were things that I liked, but on the whole this book just didn't deliver what I had been hoping for.

Shelby has returned home to Aidan Falls for the summer and wants nothing more than to hang out with he friend and keep her head down. Ever since she publicly called out her cheating ex boyfriend, she has been the town pariah. Her ex Rex is a football star, and everyone in town took his side. But then she meets the new town resident Micah Wyatt and things quickly get even more complicated. When she finds out that Micah made a bet involving her, she will do anything to keep him away from her. But soon she finds herself drawn to him even when she knows that she should stay away from him.

I couldn't connect with these characters at all. I would have moments when I would think that I was about to change my mind, but then they would do something that would ruin it for me. I desperately wanted to like Micah, and he had moments when he seemed like a great guy despite the fact that most of his actions made him seem like a douche. But then he would do or say something else, and I couldn't believe that he would immediately revert right back. I honestly just didn't think it fit his character at all, and I couldn't figure out which personality was real. Shelby was hard for me to connect with as well, and I didn't care for the fact that she was so hung up on the past with her ex. She was a large part of what caused them to break up, and yet she seemed to sort of play the victim. She didn't like the way people were treating her, and yet she didn't do anything about it. I just didn't see what her issue was. She was pretty weak and wishy washy and I just didn't relate to her at all. 

Besides Micah and Shelby, I didn't care for Rex or Shelby's friend Evie. I didn't understand the friendship that Shelby and Evie had, and Evie didn't really seem to have Shelby's best interest at heart. I also didn't get the friendship that Shelby formed with Jadyn. It didn't make sense at all, and honestly I didn't find it believable one bit. I would never be friends with someone who hooked up with my ex right after I did and then slept with the guy I was developing feelings for. It just seemed a bit too weird for me. I mean friends should be able to share things, but multiple guys? I also felt like this book kind of skipped around, and I found it disorienting. Especially the parts that would randomly go back in time with little to no explanation to chat messages between Rex and Lana. Once things were finally explained, it started to make sense. But at first it was confusing, and I felt like it could have been done in a better way so as not to confuse and distract the reader. The other thing that really bothered me about this book was how childish and immature everyone was. These are college age kids, and honestly their actions made them out to be more like middle school age kids. It just didn't work for me and wasn't at all what I expected. By the time I got to the end of the story, I was more than ready to be done and I just found the ending rushed and unbelievable. I couldn't believe how abrupt it ended and I felt like I had been mislead for most of this book. I wish we had been given a bit more to at least leave the reader in a better place with some kind of idea how things were a bit down the road for these characters. I am sure that since this is the first book in the series that there will be more about these characters in the future books. But I have to say that at this point I won't be running out to read them after having the issues I did with Honeytrap.

**ARC Provided by Penguin Group Berkley/Signet**

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