
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Ophelia London

USA Today bestselling author Ophelia London was born and raised among the redwood trees in beautiful northern California. Once she was fully educated, she decided to settle in Florida, but her car broke down in Texas and she’s lived in Dallas ever since. A cupcake and treadmill aficionado (obviously those things are connected), she spends her time watching arthouse movies and impossibly trashy TV, while living vicariously through the characters in the books she writes. Ophelia is the author of AIMEE & THE HEARTTHROB, the Definitely Maybe, Perfect Kisses and Abby Road series. Visit her books HERE, but don’t call when The Vampire Diaries (or Dawson’s Creek) is on. #PaceyLove

*Justine’s perfect dream date*

Aloha! I’m so honored to have been asked to take part in the Sun, Sand & Books event to kick off a summer full of dreamy beach reads! I’m featuring my book MAKING WAVES, which takes place in Hawaii. Could there be better setting for this Texas girl who has seen waaaaay to much rain the last few weeks?

For my post, I’m going to share with you a little bit about Justine Simms, the heroine of MAKING WAVES, along with her perfect dream date! =)

Justine loves the water. If it’s the weekend or her day off, you’ll most likely find her at the beach or the pool. Recently, she’s fallen in love with Hawaii. For a dream date, it would be kind of amazing if her dream guy (for the sake of argument, let’s go ahead and call him Will…) surprised her with a weekend trip to the Islands. He’d have a convertible waiting at the airport and—after a quick “lei”—they’d drive straight to North Shore to hit the big waves. Justine isn’t an accomplished surfer like Will yet (after all, he’s one the best surfers out there!), but she’s willing to learn, and Will is a very hands-on teacher.

After they’re tuckered out from a morning of surfing, Will takes Justine to his favorite shrimp stand in Haleiwa. For dessert, they have amazing shave ice at Matisumoto’s. Will doesn’t even suggest they share a cone, because he knows Justine will want one of her own. Once they’ve had their fill, Will takes them to a secluded beach only he knows about. The waves are calm so they can just float in the water or play or…whatever other private activity they feel like doing. Hee-hee. Once the sun is ready to set, Will and Justine take their party indoors. And there’s not a more gorgeous place on Oahu than The Turtle Bay Resort. Being a gentleman, of course Will reserves two rooms. But, come on… Talk about paradise!

I’m giving away a digital copy of MAKING WAVES. Or if you’ve already snagged that book, let me know which of mine you don’t have yet, and I’ll hook you up. TO ENTER: Just comment below about what your dream beach vacation might look like.

She’s in over her head and he’s in hot water…

Visiting her friends Ellie and Charlie in Hawaii was supposed to be a much-needed vacation for journalist Justine Simms. But when she learns the notoriously reclusive pro-surfer Chase Ryder is coming out of retirement for a competition, she knows she’s found the perfect exclusive to save her career. Of course, then she learns he’s the gorgeous, secretly nerdy guy who broke her heart a year ago.

Will Davenport—aka Chase Ryder—doesn’t do interviews. He keeps his real name out of the papers and doesn’t mix his public life with his private. That is, until the still-heartbroken Justine blackmails him into giving her an exclusive. Seeing Justine, stunningly beautiful as ever, brings back all the feelings he had before. But despite their smoldering attraction, nothing has changed since he had to leave her the first time.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |
Check out the Perfect Kisses series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Making Waves

To Enter: 
  • What does your dream beach vacation look like?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Ophelia London for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sophia Rose said...

I am not a hot weather person so my dream beaches are mostly those in the northern latitudes: Alaska, Maine, Norway, Scotland coasts. Justine's date does tempt me a bit. ;)

Marcy Meyer said...

My dream vacation would be to an island in the Pacific. White sand beaches, clear water and sunny days. I would want to be lazy, every day, just relaxing on the beach and playing in the water. Maybe stay in one of those huts on stilts in the water.

Unknown said...

A quiet beach with hubby! Going to Hawaii this year!

erin said...

Hawaii :) a beachside hotel where I can sit and read and order good food :) thanks for sharing!

Sue G. said...

I would love to go to Hawaii and sit on the beach; read; play in the water; and then at night stroll on the beach barefoot with my hubby!

bn100 said...

any beach resort

Anonymous said...

I'd love to go to Hawaii and see the black sand beaches.

Marcy Shuler

dstoutholcomb said...

my friend's condo, beachside, books, and an umbrella, plus a cool drink

JenM said...

I'm happy with a beach vacation anywhere, anytime. Just give me a fully loaded Kindle, a blanket and beach-side service for beverages and I'm good to go.

Mary Preston said...

Warm sun, sea and sand.

Ada said...

I'm not much of a beach person but as long as I have a place to sit in the shade with a good book and some eye candy, that'd be my perfect beach vacay!

Sapir said...

I would love to visit Hawaii and explore all its beauty, while also making time to read there

Brooke Showalter said...

Let's see - relaxing on a private island with a full staff. :)

Anita H. said...

I'd love to be somewhere remote with nothing but my books, sun, sand, some sexy beach boys at my beck and call.

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