
ARC Review: Consumed by You by Lauren Blakely

Lauren Blakely is one of those authors that I don't even read the blurbs for anymore. If it has her name on it, it goes on my TBR list. I was excited to get my hands on Consumed by You though since this one sounded so cute! This book was everything I have come to know and love from Lauren's books, and I really enjoyed this one! If you are looking for something sweet and fun, this is definitely one that you will want to check out. 

Cara Bailey is a dog trainer looking to settle down and start a family. She knows what she wants, and she is looking for someone to share her life with. But what she doesn't need is to be fantasizing about her newest client, Travis Jansen. Travis has always been the one guy that Cara knew could please her in the bedroom. But Travis is also the same guy that never does relationships or commitment. With Cara and Travis forced to spend more time together as she helps him train his puppy, things start to heat up between them once again though they both know it can go nowhere. So when Cara decides to offer Travis a no strings fling with a time limit, can they work each other out of their systems before moving on once and for all? 

I really liked these two. They were a lot of fun to read about, and just really easy to relate to. Travis was against anything serious after losing his father at a young age and seeing what it put his mother through. But he couldn't keep himself from letting Cara in time and time again. There was always something different about her, and you could tell that he really was blind to his true feelings. He was a good guy though, and I loved how sweet and caring he was with Cara. Cara was smart and fun, and I really liked how confident she was. She was good at what she did, and seemed to take such pride and joy in helping dogs and their owners. She was kind and helpful, and one of those heroines that you just can't help but love. But what I loved most is that as sweet and good as Cara was, she was also not ashamed to play around when it came to her desires. She had no problem letting Travis take charge, or asking him for what she wanted. These two were super hot together and you could feel the steam between them. 

Overall, this story really had everything great you could want in a romance. It was sweet and sexy, fun and emotional. The connection between these two was undeniable, and I really enjoyed seeing how things played out for them. Fans of the series will love seeing familiar faces, while new readers will have no problems jumping in here. I highly recommend anything from Lauren Blakely, and Consumed by You is another winner from her. I can't wait to read more from her in the future, and I know that whatever she writes next will be something that I will enjoy.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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