
Audiobook Review: Play by Kylie Scott, Narrated by Andi Arndt

This was the first audiobook that I've listened to that I didn't read beforehand. I always worried that it would be hard for me to really pay attention but I can definitely say that wasn't the case with Play. I really enjoyed this book. Honestly there were parts that I found myself crying because I was laughing so hard. Play was fantastic and I just couldn't get enough.

Ever since I read Lick and was introduced to Mal Ericson I just knew that I wanted more and that he would crack me up. Mal is just so damn adorably cute and hilarious. He has some of the best lines and I adored him. What I loved most about Mal is that there is so much more to him than the lovable funny guys. He might not know how to express his feelings verbally but he's intense at times and things affect him deeply. He has many layers to him and I found that I just couldn't get enough of him.

As for Anne it took me a bit to warm up to her. She's just so serious but honestly I think that is what made her and Mal so damn good together. She balances out his goofy side. I will say that once I warmed up to Anne I really liked her. She's fiercely protective of the people she cares about and I found that to be endearing. She's definitely got a mama bear quality to her that I liked.

Honestly I really enjoyed Mal and Anne together. Like I said I before I felt like they balanced each other out really well and brought out the best in one another.

As for the narration I don't necessarily love the narrator but she's not that bad. I think I would just like there to be a bit more range when it came to the other characters. It just feels like she mostly does the same voice for everyone. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of the way she does male character voices but that could just be a me thing. Would I go out and buy a book because of this narrator, probably not but I won't go out of my way to avoid her.

Overall Play was a fantastic story and great audiobook. I honestly can't wait to continue on with this series.

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |


Sophia Rose said...

I had the same fear when I listened to my first audio book that was a new to me story. Unfortunately, I was riveted for all the wrong reasons. The heroine drove me nuts. ;)

I still need to start this series. Mal sounds like a hoot and I enjoy the dynamics of opposites. Nice review, Dani!

RFTC Blog said...

Oh Mal is definitely my favorite. Always manages to make me laugh out loud with some of the things that come out of his mouth.

I'm listening to Lead right now and I have to say that I really like it so far. I definitely think you should read/listen. It's a fun series.

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