
ARC Review: Mind Over Matter by Kaia Bennett

Mind Over Matter is the third and final novel in the Loose Ends series by Kaia Bennett. Mind Over Matter continues the story of Gabriel and Nicole, and it has to be read in order. I have loved this series from the beginning, and with the end of each book I couldn't wait to get more of these characters. So I knew going into this one that it was going to be bittersweet. While I have been wanting to see what happened, I just wasn't ready for it to be over. I think that Kaia Bennett did a great job giving a satisfying ending to their story, and I think fans will be really happy with this book.  
Gabriel and Nicole said they would try, but they learned that love wasn't enough. Now Nicole is realizing her dream by publishing her first book and getting ready to move in with her boyfriend Travis. Gabriel's career has taken off, and the band is more popular than ever. But with Jackie and Ian's wedding coming up, it was only a matter of time before Gabriel and Nicole would be face to face again as best man and maid of honor. When Nicole sets out to regain their friendship, they both find themselves falling back into their friendship with ease. But they also find old feelings returning that they never expected, and soon they are both beginning to rethink the path their lives are taking. Are they really over, or were they always meant to be together? 

I have loved Gabriel and Nicole from the beginning of this series, and these two have never had a shortage of love or steam between them. Their connection has always been strong and undeniable. They both were passionate about similar things, and they have always believed in one another and supported each other through everything. But there were so many things that got in their way, including themselves. These two have always had some communication issues, and I was glad to see that Gabriel was more honest and upfront here. That being said though, they still had problems communicating and I really wanted these two to be better than they were at times. The chemistry between them though was as hot as ever, and I don't know how these two could ever been in the same room together without spontaneously combusting from all the sparks flying between them. It was clear that it was only a matter of time before they would find themselves unable to fight what was between them any longer. 

I have to say that I did feel for Travis here though. Unfortunately for him, he was a good guy and would make the perfect man for someone it just wasn't Nicole in my opinion. Travis could have been absolutely perfect, yet for me Gabriel was always it for Nicole. So while I liked him as a person, I never found myself rooting for him. I think if Gabriel had never been in the picture that I might have felt differently, but since that wasn't the case I felt like Travis never really had a shot. I felt badly for all that he went through, and yet I couldn't help but want Gabriel and Nicole to find a way back to one another. Kaia Bennett is a great writer, and I have really enjoyed this series. It was sexy and emotional, and honestly with each book I just couldn't put them down. I wanted more of these characters, and I even loved the secondary characters as well. These characters felt so real and I was invested in their story right from the start. This journey wasn't always an easy one for them or for the reader, yet it was one that was so worth the read. There were some things in this book that I didn't necessary like or agree with, but I did feel as though they were true to the characters and their story. I think that Kaia gave them exactly the ending that was right for them, and I really can't wait to see what she writes next. While I will miss Gabriel and Nicole, I know that whatever Kaia Bennett writes next will be something I plan on reading.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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