
ARC Review: Resist: Gavin by Heather C. Leigh

Resist is the third book in Heather C. Leigh's Sphere of Irony series. Each book in this series is an interconnected standalone story, and Resist features Gavin Walker, the bass player from Sphere of Irony. I have to say that this one was my favorite not only of the series, but out of everything I have read from Heather C. Leigh. Gavin and Mitch were super sexy together, and I loved the connection between them. I think that Heather did a great job with this M/M story, and I hope that she writes more in this genre in the future!

Gavin Walker wants to do nothing more than surf, play music, and hook-up with hot guys when he wants to. But when a stalker begins to escalate from sending letters to leaving "presents" for him, he begins to fear even going out in public. Wanting to keep the stalker from being public knowledge as well as the fact that he is gay, the band hires a friend of a friend to find the stalker before anything happens to Gavin. Mitch Hale used to track serial killers for the FBI and is now running his own business where he gets to pick the cases he takes. Though he has no desire to babysit any celebrities, he finds himself unable to turn down Gavin's case. But with the stalker escalating things, Mitch is forced to be around Gavin all the time in order to protect him. The more time the spend together, the more things from Mitch's past start to resurface. Mitch thought that he long ago buried that part of himself, but Gavin brings everything back and he finds himself wanting to be more than just a part of Gavin's life professionally. But can they catch the stalker before someone gets hurt, especially now that Mitch is a part of it as well? 

Mitch and Gavin were super hot together. There were sparks between them right from the start, and you knew that they were bound to explode. From the very beginning these two were arguing and fighting, and it was so clear that the passion between them was more than they had felt with anyone else. Mitch wasn't used to dealing with celebrities and he thought that Gavin was a spoiled brat. But yet he also knew what Gavin was going through with the stalker and that it couldn't be easy. I really enjoyed seeing him get to know Gavin and how he handled everything that he learned about him. He was supportive and protective, and I was glad that Gavin had Mitch through everything. Gavin was great with Mitch as well. It was obvious that there was an attraction there, and yet he also knew that Mitch was facing things about himself that he never really had before. These two just understood one another and their connection only intensified as the story continued. 

Overall, I thought that this was a great book. Gavin and Mitch were great together, and I loved their emotional scenes as much as their steamy ones. These two just fit together, even being as different as they were. I loved seeing them figure things out, and I just felt invested and connected to them right from the start. I also really loved Gavin's friendship with Hawke, and I can't wait to read more about him. The one thing that kept this one from being a five star read for me though was that there was a bit of whiplash with these two, and I could have done without some of it. I understand some back and forth, but after awhile I start to lose patience and it begins to grate on my nerves. But I still highly recommend this story as it was my favorite of not only the series but from everything I have read from Heather to date. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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