
ARC Review: Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills

I have been super excited to read Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills since the moment I first heard about it. I absolutely love the cover, and the blurb made this a must read for me. The story itself was really good as well, and I couldn't put it down. I loved Declan and Elizabeth, even if there were a few things here that I had some issues with. I did really like the story though, and I found myself overlooking some of the things that drove me nuts because I just couldn't get enough of these characters together. 

Elizabeth Bennett lives with a set of rules that she never breaks due to her painful past. She doesn't date and she has no interest in love. She has no problem with one night stands though, assuming that the guy isn't drinking and isn't super good looking or popular. But then she meets the sexy Brit fighter Declan Blay, also known as the best looking guy on campus and exactly what she should stay away from. With Declan being her new neighbor and them having class together, they find themselves getting to know one another and despite everything Elizabeth wants Declan. So when they end up spending one steamy night together, she is ready to end things even though she actually wants more. But Declan knows that the connection between them is so much more, and he is determined to show her that they belong together.

I really loved Declan here, even though I did have some problems with him. He was sexy and protective, and I loved how he was always looking out for Elizabeth. He was a great guy with her and was supportive, caring and sweet. There were some times though that he came off as a bit weak though, and for all his support he would also have moments that he seemed to not be understanding at all. It was hard to look past those wishy washy moments, but I did really like him. Elizabeth was smart and sassy and I loved how she was able to be so upfront and open about what she wanted. She was pretty funny, and I loved her rambling whenever Declan was around. But she also had her moments where she was pretty bitchy as well, and I really didn't enjoy that. She had been through a lot and I understood her reluctance to trust because of that. However I didn't feel like that was an excuse for some of her actions here, and Declan wasn't giving her any reason to doubt him. The chemistry between these two was great and you could see just how much these two felt for one another. It was good to see that they were getting to know one another as well though, and I really felt like the connection they were building was very real and believable.

I will say that besides the few issues I had with the characters, the other thing that really bothered me was the fact that there were so many outside influences that affected their relationship. There were so many other people that were constantly interfering and that got pretty old here. I thought it was a bit much how many people were in the middle of everything, and I didn't like that they were such a huge part of the story. Declan's crazy ex and the constant parade of women wanting him, plus Elizabeth's friends and ex were just a bit too much when you added that with her family and all her issues. There were a few times in this book that I also felt like things happened or were brought up and then just dropped that I wish had been delved into further. I wanted a bit more and I would have liked to have seen more of the focus here on Declan and Elizabeth rather than what was going on around them. This story to me was somewhere between 3.5 to 4 stars, but I really think that without some of the extra drama going on it would have easily been a 5 star for me. One of the highlights here for me was Declan's twin brother Dax. I absolutely loved Dax, and he had such a great personality that I could not get enough of. He brought so much life to this story and he had me laughing throughout the entire book. I would love to get his story as I was able to see so much potential for more beneath the facade he put up. He was super funny and flirty, but you could tell that he was also a really great guy that could be super sweet and caring as well. Overall, I think that this was a good story and it is definitely worth the read. Declan is super sexy and impossible not to fall for, and I think that a lot of readers will love him just as much as I did.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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