
Feature and Giveaway: Surrendering to Always by Chelsea M. Cameron

They’re about to walk down the aisle, but more than one obstacle is standing in their way…

Rory Clarke didn’t want to get married until she was at least thirty. But then she hired sexy redheaded, chin-dimpled Lucah Blythe as her assistant at Clarke Enterprises and everything changed. She’s finally agreed to set a wedding date and plans are well underway. Rory's definitely starting to see the perks of being engaged and she couldn’t be happier. As long as everything goes her way, of course.

That is until not one, but two huge surprises rock her world, putting everything she’s planned in jeopardy. Her job, the wedding, the future she planned for herself. Lucah is there for her no matter what, but trusting someone else isn’t always easy, even if you love them more than anything.

Her road to the alter is a rough one, but will Rory decide it’s not worth the struggle to get there? Or will she take Lucah’s hand and throw herself into their future together?

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Check out the Surrender Saga:

“What are you thinking about?” he asked and I realized I’d been caught thinking about babies. Good thing he couldn’t read my thoughts.

“Your penis,” I said, because that would distract him from whatever he was currently assuming I was thinking about.

“Oh really? Do you want to cuddle it?”

“I want to cuddle it so hard,” I said, sitting up and leaning toward him. “What do you think about that?”

He pretended to think about that for a moment.
“I think I’m going to need a demonstration.”

Chelsea M. Cameron is a New York Times/USA Today Best Selling author from Maine. Lover of things random and ridiculous, Jane Austen/Charlotte and Emily Bronte Fangirl, red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, vegetarian, former cheerleader and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, singing in the car, tweeting (this one time, she was tweeted by Neil Gaiman) and playing fetch with her cat, Sassenach. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.

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  • 1 $50 Amazon Gift Card

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Special thanks to Chelsea M. Cameron & InkSlinger PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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