
ARC Review: Played by Clare James

This was an extremely character driven romance with strong characters, excellent storytelling and a romance you will be rooting for.

I had never read a Clare James novel prior to this one but I can guarantee you I will be getting my hands on more of her titles. I really loved this book. It was about two people who both desperately needed a second chance and were plagued with self doubt. Melody has internalized the stereotypes of herself as nothing more than arm decoration. She wants to be a career woman but she's actually not sure that she has what it takes so she sabotages herself and winds up on the brink of unemployment. Aaron is country music artist who blew is first shot at fame and fortune because he forgot to exercise any self control. Now he wants back in the industry but isn't sure that he can keep out of trouble so he tries to control every aspect of every thing. When Aaron meets Melody he's sure he doesn't need the distraction of a relationship but it quickly becomes obvious that no matter how he feels about relationships, he and his career need Melody. And vice versa.

The thing that I love about this book is the imperfections in the main characters. I loved hearing about their insecurities and their fears from each of their POV's. It's great to read about the rich and wonderful characters who have everything but it's easier to relate to people who are just as effed up as we all are. I also liked that the romantic relationship between the characters comes so naturally out of their growing friendship and working relationship. The relationship had a completely unforced feel. The writing is seamless so that we as the readers just look up and the characters are in love, much like they feel.

I love a redemption story so to see Mel pull herself up from professional leprosy by the strength of actual hard work was great for me. Similarly, Aaron's reluctant comeback was the best kind. Even though Aaron is our typical beautiful alpha male, he's humble and just wants to be true to his art. Other things I like about this book: Melody's cursing (some people don't like cursing but I personally do), the supporting cast of Tiffany and Gen (Mel's colleagues) and how true to the PR world the story line seemed. This book gave me a large dose of romance and the ooey gooey love stuff that is shockingly missing from a lot of romance novels. A side of sex never hurts either. I highly recommend this book!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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