
ARC Review: Rip by Rachel Van Dyken

I am a huge fan of Rachel Van Dyken's and her Eagle Elite Series is one of my all time favorites. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Rip knowing that it was a spin-off of the series that has never once let me down! While Rip is a spin-off of the Eagle Elite series, it is a complete standalone and the reader doesn't need to have read that series first before reading this one. I would highly recommend reading that series anyways though as it is such an amazing series, and this book does take place in the same time frame as Elude does. If you read this before reading Elude, there are some things will be spoiled. 

Rip centers around Maya (Andi from Elude's half-sister) and the doctor Nikolai. Nikolai isn't your normal doctor though and he is hired to wipe out people's memories and make them do things that they don't want to do. His methods are unique and he always succeeds. So when Maya finds out that she has been sold to him for a year, she knows that things are about to get interesting. Nikolai owns Maya and he gives her a set of rules that she must live by, with no choice but to do as he says. But with each new piece of her new life revealed, she finds herself with more and more questions. But Nikolai and Maya's connection goes back even before she knows, and her finding everything out is inevitable. 

Nikolai and Maya were so interesting. They had such great chemistry right from the start, and I could tell their story was going to be fascinating. Maya is tortured and she has no idea about so much. I really felt like it was easy to identify with her because the reader is also in the dark about so much. So with each piece of this puzzle revealed, both the reader and Maya start to get an idea of all that is going on. Nikolai is sexy and commanding, and very mysterious. It was easy to be attracted to him, but you know there is so much more happening than you can put your finger on. These two had great banter back and forth, and I liked that Maya wasn't afraid to challenge him a bit even when she should have been. I couldn't get enough of these two and I loved every bit of them together.

Overall, I really can't go into many details since that would spoil so much. But if you are a fan of Rachel Van Dyken's and her Eagle Elite series, you are going to love this one! There were twists and turns and so much going that you constantly question. But as you continue reading Rachel Van Dyken has a way of giving you just enough to make everything fall into place perfectly. I was captivated from the start and couldn't put it down. I had to know what would happen next and yet I can honestly say that I had no clue! Rachel Van Dyken is one of my favorite authors, and this book was everything that I have come to know and expect from her. This book is on the darker side though, so readers should know that before jumping in here. I still highly recommend Rip and the Eagle Elite series. You pretty much can't go wrong with anything that has Rachel's name on it and Rip is no exception. I can't wait for more from Rachel Van Dyken.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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