
ARC Review: Once Upon A Power Play by Jennifer Bonds

I love sports romance stories, and I am a huge hockey fan! So of course I jumped on the chance to read Once Upon A Power Play by Jennifer Bonds! I am so glad that I did, as this book was sexy and sweet and I had a lot of fun reading about Ryan and Chloe. Though this is the second book in the Risky Business series, each book can be read as a standalone with interconnected characters. 

Chloe Jacobs is done with guys and fairytales. She knows that life isn't for her. But when a dangerous situation puts the sexy Ryan Douglas in her life, she has no problem using him for one sexy night together. After being sidelined by an injury, Ryan should be focused on getting back into the game yet he finds himself drawn to Chloe. But each of them are drawn to one another and the attraction is more than they can fight. What starts out as one night quickly escalates to more, and soon it is more than just physical. But can Ryan convince Chloe to give him a real shot? 

I absolutely loved Ryan! He was sweet and sexy and impossible not to fall in love with. He was a really great guy and I loved how he was with Chloe. She was such a smart and sweet girl, but she had this sassy side to her that was so easy to root for. The two of them together was beyond perfect, and I just had so much fun reading about them. The chemistry and attraction was there right away for these two, and the steam between them was scorching hot! But I also really loved seeing them grow closer and watching as things began to deepen for them. Their relationship was so natural and genuine, and I loved how things progressed. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and the characters were so easy to feel invested in. This book was exactly what I needed for a quick and enjoyable story to lose myself in for a few hours. If you are a fan of steamy contemporary romance stories, this is definitely one worth checking out. You don't have to be a sports fan to enjoy this story, but if you are this is a really great one! Having enjoyed this book so much, I know I will be reading more from Jennifer Bonds in the future. I can't wait to go back and read the first book about Chloe's best friend Olivia, and I would love to see more books in this series for some of Ryan's teammates as well! Once Upon A Power Play is one I would highly recommend!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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