
Feature and Giveaway: More Than Physical by Sierra Hill

Love makes you crazy. It warps your sense of direction, causing your world to shift and turn on its axis. Love is an anchor that wraps its steely chains around your heart and crushes the ever-loving life out of you.

Sasha Lee will never suffer fools again. She’d been there, done that, and has the internal injuries to prove it. As a renowned Boston orthopedic surgeon and clinic owner, she’s worked relentlessly to help others recover from their own injuries, because she knows pain, if left unattended, will eat you alive.

Jackson “Jax” Koda loves a good challenge, because anything that comes too easy just isn’t worth it. A corporate lawyer by day, he’s one half of the esteemed Camden Ventures dynamic duo, vetting crazy deals and capitalizing on their business success. But when the work is done, his interests lie elsewhere. Music and women - both incredible elixirs for his soul and body. And his newest challenge is finding a way to get Sasha back in his bed.

When their engaged best friends call upon Sasha and Jackson to plan their joint bachelor-bachelorette party, the two find themselves at odds bickering over inconsequential details, all the while trying to figure out how to keep their fiery chemistry contained and their sexy secret under wraps.

Just one night together may not be enough to satisfy their curiosity. What started out as just physical, may just turn into something unexpectedly more.

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Check out the Physical series:

“Are you wet for me?” he asked, his voice harsh and desperate. “Or was this because you were dancing with Dylan?”

Her body stiffened as she tried pushing back from the wall, but Jackson had her locked in tight leaving no room for movement. Sasha shook her head in protest.

“Yes…no. You made me wet. I’ve never wanted Dylan…only you, Jax.”

Sierra Hill wrote her first full-length romance after a corporate acquisition led her to a stint of unemployment, offering her some quality writing time. While she’s since found herself back in the business realm on a part-time basis, she’s still found time to make room for her creative passions, writing about the fictional characters that live in her brain and constantly shout for their own love story to be told.

Sierra frequently indulges on what some might consider to be an unhealthy dose of reading, dark chocolate goodies, and too much coffee. But hey, she lives in Seattle – coffee capital of the U.S.

Sierra resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband of twenty years and her long-haired, German Shepherd. She is currently working on her next book.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of More Than Physical

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sierra Hill for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

This sounds intriguing! Thanks!

erin said...

looks and sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing :)

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