
ARC Review: Love: Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett

Love Uncivilized is the continuation of Zach and Moira's story from Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett. While I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book, I loved the heat and chemistry between Zach and Moira. It was enough that I had to read more about these two and sweet what they were up to now. This wasn't exactly what I had been expecting, but I did still feel the heat between these two. If you haven't read Uncivilized I would recommend starting there, but I suppose you could read this as a standalone novella though there would be some things missed. 

Zach and Moira have now been married for eight years and have two kids together. Their hectic lives leave little time for them to be together. Zach is hard at work for his godfather, devoting everything to the man that made sure he got an education. Moira is ready to go back to work after spending some time off with her young children. With so much going on Zach and Moira feel themselves growing apart, but can they fix it before there are too many things between them to recover from? 

As much as I still felt the heat and chemistry between these two, I have to say that it wasn't as strong as the first time around. Yes things are always going to calm down a little when life and kids get in the way, but I really felt like these two never actually settled anything. The sex they had while hot, didn't pack the same punch as before and they had definitely lost some of their spark. I hated that they constantly used sex to get over their issues, leaving the problems unresolved and nothing actually done. There were so many times that these big things would seem to build up just to fizzle out. I kept waiting for them to finally get on the same page, and then it was just over. As much as I had been hoping for them to start to compromise and work together as a team while rediscovering that connection, it just didn't happen here. There was a little bit of progress at the end, but then it was over. Unfortunately this one was disappointing and left me feeling as though these two still weren't on the same page. There was some steam here, but this story just seemed to be full of unnecessary drama and some filler content to perpetuate the series while not actually serving much of a purpose. While it was good to get a glimpse at Zach and Moira's HEA, I was hoping for more.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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