
Audiobook Review: Kiss of the Demon King by Kresley Cole, Narrated by Robert Petkoff

Usually I start off with a review first and then I comment on the narrator but I have to say that Robert Petkoff was A-mazing! This is a very lengthy audiobook, about 12 hours and I never tired of hear Petkoff’s voice. I also loved the voices he gave to the characters. At first when I heard his voice of Sabine it took me a while to get used to it and then I loved it. I was completely mesmerized by his storytelling.

Equally amazing was this story. This is the first time I experience anything by Kresley Cole and I have to say there was not one single moment that I was disappointed. This was a fantastic story. All the characters were interesting the pacing was fantastic. It varied from tensions between Sabine and her love interest/ hero –Rydstrom Woede. To say I loved Sabine is an understatement. She was so cunning and conniving, blood thirsty and ruthless-these are just some of her good qualities. As a sorceress her powers were fun and interesting, her wit was sharp and her humor had me laughing. Hands down she has to be one of my favorite heroines.

I loved Rydstrom as well and respected his honorable intentions and I loved that the author made him just as quick and intelligent as Sabine. They were so perfectly matched. Where Sabine will lie and cheat to get anything she wants, Rydstrom is all truth and good intentions despite his being a demon. They were both a force to be reckoned with. Even though I jumped into the series with this book, the 7th , I was not lost at all. The author was able to keep me up to date on all that had transpired in the previous books and even though I’m sure it would be better to read/hear the entire series it did not hamper my enjoyment of this book in any way. Between the steamy tension between Sabine and Rydstrom, there is the ever present danger of her evil brother trying to dominate Sabine and finally make her his.

Once I started hearing this story I was instantly hooked and captivated by the characters and the story. Usually when a book is this long inevitably my attention wonders but I could not put this story down! I wanted to know what would happen next, I wanted to know would Rydstrom finally get his kingdom back… Completely intriguing and beguiling, I loved this story!

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