
ARC Review: His Royal Secret by Lilah Pace

I loved Lilah Pace's debut series, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on His Royal Secret when I first heard about it. I was really excited to get a M/M story from Lilah, and I think that this book was a good start to the series. I am looking forward to reading the next one and seeing what Lilah has in store for us next. 

James, the Prince of Wales, has long accepted his fate and what it means for the life he must lead. But as a gay man, he fears constantly that the world will find out who he really is. For 10 years his best friend Cassandra has been his beard, though they constantly find themselves the subject of tabloid fodder. But when James meets Ben while on holiday, his world begins to change. Especially after Ben ends up moving to London, and the two find themselves unable to fight the attraction between them. But when their casual fling becomes more, both Ben and James will have to look at their lives and decide what they want for the future.

I really liked Ben and James here. They had great chemistry together, and I loved that they also were building a great connection. These two were able to talk about so much with one another, and you could see that they were really getting to know one another more than anyone else knew them. James was loyal to his family and his duty as a royal, yet he also wanted more and was tired of hiding who he really was from the world. Caught up in years of pretending, my heart broke for him and all that he had been through. Ben had his moments where he aggravated me here, yet I also really liked him with James. I thought that these two were a great match for each other, and my favorite parts of this book were when it was just the two of them and they were able to be themselves. 

I will say that a lot of this book was very slow going for me though, and there were several parts that seemed to really drag. Part of that was the fact that while we did get scenes of Ben and James together, we also got a lot of other stuff that didn't always seem to matter. There wasn't a lot happening, and I think that some of the mundane daily details could have been done without here. This one just overall didn't seem to have the same spark as Lilah's first series. For the forbidden storyline that should have been exciting from start to finish, this one felt a bit flat at times. I am hoping that the next book gives us a bit more of that spark that this one was missing after where we left off here. While this book does end on a happy note, there is a cliffhanger and James and Ben's story is far from over. I am really looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for them, and I trust that Lilah Pace will give these guys the ending they deserve. I do like a lot of the secondary characters here and would love to see more of them as well. While I did have some issues here, overall this book was good and I am looking forward to continuing the series.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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