
ARC Review: Wicked Pleasure: Part Two by Lora Leigh

I'm an erotic romance fan so it's hard to lose my adoration as a reader when that is what the author is serving up. In fact, I didn't exactly love part 1 of this series but I came back for part 2 because the erotic content was good and there was potential for the development of a good plot. After this installment though, I give up.

This book picks up precisely where part 1 leaves off. Cam still wants Jaci all to himself but won't take her without an assist by his brother. Jaci is still frustrated by Cam's bossiness and slightly perplexed by his intimacy issues. In this book we get more information about the Roberts and find out that Jaci has a plan to deal with them (sort of) with some help by another of their "victims."
There are just so many things that I did not like. First, I didn't feel like the relationship between Cam and Jaci progressed enough. There was too much repetitive introspection regarding Cam and Jaci's feelings. The same thing happened in part 1 but I thought things would move further in this book. I was disappointed to find both Cam and Jaci internally obsessing about the same stuff from part 1. In related news, the rotating POVs without warning finally really got on my nerves. I don't want to spend a whole page figuring out whose head I'm inside.

I also feel like I missed something about Cam and Jaci. As far as I can tell there was no public declaration of their affection. So how did everyone know Cam had claimed Jaci? I just felt like something was missing in the plot development.

We did get a greater insight into what accounted for Cam's intimacy issues. Honestly, by the time things were revealed, I had kind of checked out on the story. There is just something about the writing that is imprecise. Not in a purposeful way though, more in a way that made me feel like the actual plot of the book needed more attention.

The sex is still great but like in any relationship, I just need more than that to stay committed. This is far from bad, I was just frustrated by the writing and characters so this one is not on my greatest hits list.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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