
Feature and Giveaway: Blind Spot by Katana Collins

I'm used to going for the easy things in life.
The easy A in school.
The easy lay in bed. The easy life my trust fund affords me.
Until I met Shelby.
Never in my life have I found retro T-shirts and lip balm so damn sexy.
She's exactly what I never knew I wanted.
And she's anything but easy.
But suddenly, easy is overrated.

Only one damn problem... For Shelby, hating me is easy.

For the first time in my life, I have to work for something. And though she may not be easy...she'll be worth it.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

I lifted a section of her bangs that were caked in white our and something gooey. Was that...ew, was it egg?

She jerked away, smoothing her palm down her bangs, capturing a bit of the gunky mixture that gathered there. Crap, I forgot about not touching her hair. What had happened to her to cause such an extreme reaction? A biting pain twisted in my stomach at the thought that someone may have hurt her. I tried not to react, but tension pinched my expression through my forced smile. “You have egg or something in your hair.” This time, I slowly brought my hand to her, scooping the goo out of her bangs. “There, got it.”

Pushing her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout, she looked up at me. Her brown eyes seemed even bigger somehow. “I was trying to make you croissants.”

“You baked for me? Oh, you so like me.”

She slapped my shoulder, and I caught her hand, pulling her flush against my body. God, I wanted to kiss her. That made it difficult to step away. Instead, I swept my thumb across her cheekbone, wiping off some flour there and holding my white-stained finger in front of her eyes. “I see the baking is going really well.”

She laughed at that, her head dropping into her hands. “Oh my God, look at me. I’m a freaking mess.”

“Maybe they’ll be delicious.”

“Maybe they’ll taste like charcoal.”

I swallowed, my throat feeling like something had lodged there. “Maybe I won’t care.”

“Maybe you have a death wish.”

“More like a Shelby wish.”

Katana Collins bounced between a lot of different careers, including actor, photographer, television producer and finally after ten years of various jobs, she finally found her niche writing romance novels. With over ten books in a variety of romance genres, (paranormal, new adult, contemporary, and suspense to name a few), she's been keeping very busy these last few years.

She lives in Portland, Maine with her husband and brood of rescue animals. Most days, she can be found hunched over her laptop in a cafe, guzzling gallons of coffee, and wearing fabulous (albeit sometimes impractical) shoes. 

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Katana Collins & IndieSage PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.


Michele Hayes said...

Sounds like a good book, but I don't see a rafflecopter...

Ada said...

Great excerpt, sounds like a fun read.

Same for me, the rafflecopter doesn't load!

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