
Dani's Best of 2011!

Wow, I can't believe the year I've had. It's been a whirlwind and I wouldn't change a thing about it. So much has happened this year. I've met so many awesome authors and bloggers, many I now consider great friends. I also  started this blog this year and I can't believe how much fun I've had with it. Being able to talk and interview so many different authors is still so mind blowing for me. I'm such a fan girl! This year was also a great year for books for me. I was able to read and review a lot of great books. As it stands now, I've read a total of 117 books and of those 117, I've reviewed 65. As 2011 comes to a close and we step into 2012 I just wanted to share some of the books that top my list for this year. I can't wait to see what 2012 brings for me.


Lord and Lady Spy-Shana Galen (Review)

This book was so good. Definitely tops my list of all-time favorites, not only of 2011 but of all-time. I just couldn't put this book down. From page one, to the end I found myself quickly turning the page to see what was going to happen. I <3 Adrian and I really hope we get so see more of him and Sophia in the future. The chemistry between the two of them was amazing. If you haven't read this book, stop what you are doing and buy it right this second. It's that good.

In Total Surrender-Anne Mallory (Review)

After I finished reading this book I immediately wanted to go back and re-read it. It just stuck with me. I loved the hero Andreas Merrick. I loved that the first part of the book takes place in only his p.o.v so we are just as confused by the heroine Phoebe, as he is. I loved the way these two interacted with each other. Andreas is a hard man who cares for no one but his family and doesn't have time for anyone else. Phoebe just wants to get close to him. Watching these two was great and I loved being able to watch Andreas walls come down. This book just reaffirms my love for Anne Mallory and her books.


Bad Boys Do-Victoria Dahl (Review)

I'll admit, this book along with the rest in this series converted me into a fan of contemporaries. Normally I avoid contemporaries like the plaque, but I had heard so much good things about Victoria's previous contemporary books and I love her historicals so I decided to give this series a go. I am so glad I did because I adored this series and this book especially. There was just so much more to Jamie Donovan than his playboy image. Deep down he just wants to be taken seriously and atone for the mistakes he's made in the past. In walks Olivia Bishop who is still trying to learn how to have a good time and live a little. Both were just so right for each other and damn this book was hot!

Seven Nights-Jess Michaels (Review)

I admit I'm a sucker for love rekindled storylines and Jess Michaels does this story justice. I quickly devoured this book in one sitting and then went back for more. I loved watching these two find their way back to each other. Plus, this book was super hot. The hero Sean has been pinning away for Leah ever since she left him five years ago. Now Sean has everything he has every wanted except Leah and he will do everything in his power to convince her that he's the man for her. LOVE IT!


The Darkest Surrender-Gena Showalter (Review)

This book was AH-MAZING!!! I admit to being a huge fan of the Lords of the Underworld series and this book was just another great book to go along with this amazing series. I thought this book had the right balance of action, romance and humor that I've come to expect with a Gena Showalter book. I read this book in one sitting and when I finished it quickly become one of my favorites of the series. And have you seen the cover. Gorgeous!

His Darkest Salvation-Juliana Stone (Review)

This book not only a great ending to a wicked hot trilogy, but it's also a lead in to Juliana's new series feature the super sexy Declan. I loved this book and it seemed like I waited for it for forever. In reality it was only six months but it was well worth the wait. This book was super hot and packed with so much action. I admit, I have quite the girl crush on Jaden and I loved seeing her in action. It's great to see a heroine that kicks ass.


Backstage Pass-Olivia Cunning (Review)

This book was hot! This was book was a great beginning to a freaking hot series. I really loved this book and Brian is super sexy. I want someone to draw music notes all over my naked back! But seriously, I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to get my hands on the next installment.

Urban Fantasy

First Grave On The Right-Darynda Jones (Review)

I'm usually not the biggest fan of UF books, but I loved this book! It's witty, action packed, and just enough romance thrown in to keep me reading. I loved meeting Charley Davidson. She is truly a unique heroine and she cracks me up. Charley is a PI who just happens to be the Grim Reaper. I loved the world Darynda has created with this series and I am looking forward to reading lots more from her.


Sweetblood Series-Laurie London (Reviews)

Without a doubt this is not only my new favorite series but my favorite series this year. Laurie came out with two full-length books along with two novellas and I devoured them all. I love Laurie's spin on the vampire myth and the world she has created for them. It's so realistic and believable. The Sweetblood series has just the right amount of action and violence. I seriously love this series and I can't wait to see what's instore for it in 2012.

Short Story/Novella

Romancing Lady Cecily-Ashley March (Review)

I'm usually not the biggest fan of novellas, but Ashley March was able to pack so much story into this novella. The story felt complete and not at all rushed. I loved getting to know these characters and the plight Cecily had over choosing the man that she loved or the man that her father promised her to. Your heart breaks watching her battle with choosing the whats right not only for her but for everyone involved.

A Taste of Midnight-Lara Adrian (Review)

Oh my goodness this novella was so good. To be honest, it didn't even feel like it was a novella when I was reading it. Not only is it packed with a great story full of information, but I loved getting to see what was going on with Dani. I so wanted her to get a HEA and this book did not disappoint. Mac was super hot and super fierce. I felt that he and Dani were a perfect fit. The chemistry between the two was explosive. I highly recommend this book.

Honorable Mentions

So here's my list of books that topped 2011, were any on your top? Let me know what tops your list.


Kim said...

I have First Grave on the Right in my TBR pile. Tops on my 2011 best book list was What I Did For A Duke by Julie Anne Long and A Lot Like Love by Julie James.

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