
Review: Make Me Crazy by Codi Gary

I really enjoyed Make Me Crazy by Codi Gary. It was cute and sweet, and I love the friends to lovers trope. The characters were all likable and I really enjoyed Gary's writing style. I felt invested in these characters and their HEA right from the start, and I was able to just lose myself in their story.

Miranda "Rand" Coleman grew up seeing that love can destroy a person, and since then she has been against love, marriage and kids. When her grandpa dies and leaves her the Double C Ranch, she is glad to be able to continue living the life she loves. But when she finds out that in order to keep the ranch she must get married in three months she begins to panic. She turns to her two best friends Red and Jake to help her find eligible men in town that she could marry. When she decides to after the town veterinarian, Jake agrees to help her make him jealous and give him a bit of competition. But soon the feelings between Jake and Rand start to become more about them and less about helping her secure a husband. As Jake and Rand grow closer, they begin to think about the possibility of them getting married instead. But Jake has never done commitment and Rand isn't willing to settle. Can Jake and Rand work things out before it's too late, or will they end up destroying their friendship in the process?

I really liked Jake and Rand. These characters were so real and normal, and I thought that they were extremely easy to relate to. Rand was strong and capable, and I loved that she was so comfortable running her ranch. She wasn't intimidated easily, and I also liked that she wasn't afraid to be herself. It was great to see her start to loosen up a bit with Jake though. I liked that she wasn't a girly girl, but it was great that she started to try something new and that she would think about Jake and what he would like. He really brought out more of her feminine qualities, and it was nice to see her show that side more. Jake was sweet and easy-going, and I loved the friendship between him and Rand. Jake knew her so well, and yet he started to see so much more to her than he ever had before. I liked seeing him start to develop real feelings for her and see that he was capable of more than just casual with someone. Jake and Rand were a great match because of their foundation as best friends, but beyond that they had great chemistry together and worked really well as a couple. These two were really hot together, and I loved seeing them take their friendship to the next step. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It was sweet and fun, and I had a really good time reading it. This book had it all, and I loved how it was sweet and playful but also sexy and intense. Rand and Jake were great to read about, and I loved watching their growth as a couple but also as individuals. I highly recommend this book to contemporary romance fans. I think this is a book that has something for everyone, and a lot of people will really enjoy this story just like I did. I can't wait to read more from Codi Gary, and I look forward to the next book in this series.

**Copy Provided by Literati Author Services**

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Sharlene said...

Friends to lovers is my favorite trope! I will check this out! Thanks for the review!

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