
A Naughty New Year...Brazen Style with Clare James and Giveaway

Clare James writes steamy contemporary romance and new adult stories, penning nearly a dozen novels. Her Entangled Brazen debut, CAUGHT, was a #1 Amazon Best-Selling Romance Series, and the touching family drama, WEDNESDAY, also hit #1 as a category bestseller on Amazon.

Clare is fan of spunky women, gorgeous guys, and super-hot romance, and spends most of her time lost in books. When she's not reading, you can find her locked away writing. Clare is also a former dancer and still loves to get her groove on - mostly to work off her beloved cupcakes and red wine. She lives in Minneapolis with her two leading men - her husband and young son - and is always on social media chatting with readers. 

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Happy Naughty New Year from Clare James…

Thanks for having me over to celebrate a Naughty Brazen New Year, Danielle!!

Today, I’d like to share a scene with my very high-octane couple, Viv and Jarod, from my Brazen debut, CAUGHT.

At the end of 2015, readers made CAUGHT a #1 Best-Selling Romance Series on Amazon and I was completely blown away! I think the reason why readers enjoy this couple is because they are real—they make poor decisions, think with their hearts (or libidos) instead of their brains sometimes, and they have flaws and insecurities that they are both trying to overcome. Still, they love each other madly and would do anything for the other—including sacrificing everything that’s important to them!

If you haven’t read the series, Jarod Cage is a bad-boy racecar driver, and Viv is a PR pro who was hired to repair his reputation so he could win the coveted Sprint Cup. Here’s how I imagine their first New Year’s Eve together…


Viv watched Jarod from the sidelines as he commanded the room. She rarely had to step in anymore. He’d finally learned how to play nice. Give the public what they want, keep his sponsors happy, and he could keep doing what he loved to do best … race cars. She’d like to think that she played a small role in his success as the new number one racecar driver in the world. She hoped so, anyway. He definitely played a role in helping her get the promotion she’d been dreaming about since she arrived in Atlanta. Not to mention what he’d done for her personal life.

Lord, she’d never get enough of that man.

Jarod was at the front of the room for the special Race into the New Year event, schmoozing with advertisers, businessmen, fans, and the dreaded Pit Lizards—the racing groupies who came out in full force to each and every Jarod Cage event. Grrrr. But Viv would not let them get to her tonight. This was just business, and after midnight, she’d have him all to herself.

He wore a charcoal suit, perfectly tailored to the wide expanse of his shoulders all the way down to his tight waist, adorned by those glorious abs that she was exploring before they left for the event. And his pants…hot damn, his pants! They hugged his slim hips and hard ass so beautifully it made her skin tingle and her hands itch.

Geez, get a grip and act like a professional, Viv!

The large digital clock that was near the stage read: 11:50. Okay, she just had to hang on for a bit longer. And then she could spend the rest of the night being as unprofessional as she liked.

The clocked ticked down to: 11:53.

Two of the Pit Lizards started closing in. Oh, hell no. She couldn’t watch them hang on her man. She moved to the back of the room, her eyes no longer on Jarod. He faded into the crowd, which was probably a good thing.

It was now 11:57.

She went to grab a glass of champagne from the tray a server held out to her, but then a large python of an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her into darkness. She was about to scream before she caught the scent that she knew so well… Jarod.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asked, trying for some semblance of control.

He’d pulled her into the back closet and snaked his skilled hands under her dress. It reminded her of the first time she’d been Caged. She let herself fall into him, enjoying those rough hands of his scrape across her thighs. Up. Up. To the waistband of her tiny thong.

“I think I’m doing you, if I play my cards right.” He chuckled.

Her stomach flipped at the sounds of his dirty words, just as it always did.

But, wait. She heard some rumbling just outside the door. Oh no. It was the crowd counting down to the New Year. Ten, nine, eight … Shit, Jarod was supposed to do the countdown and now it was too late.

Yes, she could advise him all she wanted, but in the end, he held the control. Jarod’s sponsor would have her ass for this.

“Why can’t you ever do as you’re told?” she asked. “Why can’t you let me take the lead for a change?”

“Baby, don’t you get it by now?” he countered, unwilling to remove his hands from under her dress. “You hold all the control. You own me, all of me. Which is why I’m not bringing in the New Year with a bunch of strangers when you’re standing ten feet away. And I sure as hell am not having those girls drape over me for a photo op when the only skin I want to feel is yours. So let me, Vi. I need to feel you. Right the fuck now.”

As if she would ever have the strength to stop him …

Happy 2016, you naughty readers!!


She was hired to clean up his image. He wants nothing more than to get her dirty.

Watching sex tapes at the office is just part of PR professional Vivian Blake's job, especially when she has to clean up a celebrity's image. Except that her newest client isn't quite that easy. Racecar driver Jarod Cage is beyond hot, and his onscreen "performance" is already compromising Viv's cool professionalism.

While Jarod hasn't exactly been discreet about his personal life, he never thought his reputation could cost him both his sponsor and his racing career. Now he has to put his future in the hands of a tiny, pixie-like publicist. Which is becoming a problem, because the heat between them is about to redline. But when you go this hard and fast, putting on the brakes is the most dangerous thing you can do...

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Check out the Elite PR series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copies of Elite Series

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Clare James for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


JenM said...

Great excerpt. I hadn't heard of this author before, but it definitely sounds like something I'd love to read.

erin said...

awwww... sweet story! Thanks for sharing!

Sue G. said...

What a fun excerpt! This story sounds great! Thanks!

Nancy Jones said...

Can't wait to read this one.

Megan1520 said...

This sounds so fun! I'd love to read it!

Unknown said...

That was not near enough of this couple. I want more.

kim hansen said...

Love the excerpt.

Mary Preston said...

This is great thank you.

Joanne B said...

Thanks for that great excerpt. Caught sounds like a fantastic book.

Cassie Polla said...

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway and excerpt!!

MrsMac19 said...

Looks like a great read!

Rebecca James said...

Sounds great! Adding to my TBR list! :)

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