
Book Spotlight: With This Kiss by Victoria Lynne and Giveaway

Beauty and the beast: they were the scandal of the ton. All eyes feasted on the beautiful flame-haired gambler in London’s most infamous club. But Julia Prentisse was interested only in the rake-turned-recluse whom they now called “The Beast.” She lured him out of the crowded club to a deserted warehouse, where she made her scandalous offer: If he married her and protected her from her uncle, she would help him capture the arsonist who had ruined his life.

An act of heroism had left Morgan St. James burned, scarred for life, but Julia’s bold gaze lit other fires he had long suppressed. And now this glorious stranger was his bride. But when he tried to claim his husbandly rights, she demanded three months grace—three months to know a stranger’s mind, to touch a stranger’s soul, to go where no woman had ever gone before. Into his heart…

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"Why did you come here?" he asked.

Gathering her courage, she ventured hesitantly, "If you're not too busy, I thought we might do something today. Together. As man and wife."

He released a bored sigh. "What did you have in mind, a waltz? Ordinarily I'd indulge your whim, but as you can see, the orchestra has temporarily abandoned its post."

"I've missed you."

The statement hung in the air between them. Morgan studied her face for a long moment. "There is a term in fencing for toying with one's opponent."

"Are we opponents?"

"Are you toying?"

"I'm not sure what I'm doing."

"Forgive me if I find that difficult to believe. I've never met a more purposeful woman in my life."

A small smile touched her lips. "Is that good or bad?"

"What do you want, Julia?"

She couldn't remember him ever using her name be­fore. The sound of it rolling off his tongue sent an unex­pected rush of pleasure racing through her. Idly wondering if his reaction would be the same if she spoke his name, she said, "I thought it might be nice if we spent a little time together, Morgan."

She saw something flash in his eyes, but the emotion, whatever it was, vanished too quickly for her to properly define. "Ah. So that's it." A small, cynical smile curved his lips. His gaze moved over her body with scorching inten­sity, as though he were able to see right through to her drawers. He straightened and glanced around the empty room, then back at her. "Interesting timing."

Heat flooded her cheeks. "I didn't mean—"

"Didn't you."

"Certainly not. Must you always be so base?"

"You're the one who came to me."

"With the simple proposition that we attend Lord Attmark's boating party this afternoon," she said, seizing upon the sudden inspiration. "That's all I had in mind."

"Lord Attmark's boating party?"

"I thought it would be quite diverting."

"Floating along a river that smells like rancid sewage in this sweltering heat. That's what you came to see me about."


A knowing smile curved his lips. "Liar."

"I don't know what—"

"Liar," he repeated softy.

Victoria Lynne is the author of five historical romance novels. She’s received two RITA Award nominations, and has consistently earned Romantic Times’ “Top Pick” award. Called “A Fabulous Storyteller!” by Rendezvous Magazine, her work consistently draws rave reviews and continues to attract new readers. Her books have been translated into German, Italian, and Spanish, and are currently available online through Kindle and Nook.

Ms. Lynne lives in Vermont with her husband and two children. When she’s not plotting her next novel, she loves to get away from her keyboard to ski and hike.

Visit Victoria on Facebook.


Victoria has kindly offered to giveaway an eBook copy of her book With This Kiss to 1 lucky person. So make sure you fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win.

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Beebs said...

I love Beauty and the Beast stories. Love the excerpt, sounds great.

May said...

I just watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D and love the movie even though I have watched it so many times... Love the plotlines so looking forward to reading to your book!

Shelley B said...

Sounds so good. I love a cynical man. The Beauty and the Beast is always a good theme.

Megan G. said...

I've heard so many good things about this book. I've been wanting to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Maria D. said...

Sounds like a great book! I love pretty much everything about historical romance, the settings, the costuming, the behavior of society, and the changing roles women played all set against the background of what was taking place in the world.

Thanks for the giveaway!

bn100 said...

I like the descriptions of daily life, royalty, and the stories.

Kim said...

It sounds like an interesting story.

erin said...

Thanks for the fantastic post and excerpt! I've been reading such positive buzz for this book, it's firmly at the top of my wishlist.

I love Historical romance, but I love being transported back in time. Times were a bit simpler and more genteel. I'm kinda in a HR reading spree right now, as I have so many stockpiled on my kindle!

*yadkny* said...

I love the scandals and the fashion of any historical period.

Aurian said...

Nice blogpost, good luck on the new release!

Catherine Lee said...

I'm generally not an historical romance fan--unless there's a very strong, sassy heroine (and an equally strong, gallant hero). This one appeals to me as a beauty & beast story.


Gena Robertson said...

I love how the hero and heroine have to be witty and clever in public to convey sexual tension, so no one else picks up on it any "taboo" behavior." It's so naughty, fun and sexy when they are supposed to be proper and staid. So delicious!!

Thank you for the giveaway chance!

Gena Robertson

Joanne said...

I like the customs, the attire, the scandals, learning about the history, and the language of historicals. They take me to a place I've never been.


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