
Monday, February 25, 2013

Guest Post with Author Ella Dane and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Ella Dane to RFTC. Ella is celebrating the recent release of Holding Out for a Hero and has stopped by to chat. Please give Ella a warm welcome.

Winning a creative writing contest in grade school was just the beginning of Ella’s foray into the wonderful world of writing. After several years of technical writing for power utilities and project finance, Ella moved to penning articles for sports and music magazines before returning to her creative writing roots. Ella believes everyone deserves to fall in love, and from contemporary to paranormal, even the most conflicted and damaged hearts find their other half in her stories. Because what’s life without a happy ending!

Places to find Ella:

It’s About the Suit

One Halloween I went to a party dressed all in black: cape, hat, spandex pants, boots, tank top, eye mask...and a whip attached to my belt. I was the female version of Zorro. Another year, when I was actually fit enough to pull it off, I wore Trinity from the Matrix’s rocking latex outfit, only mine was spandex. That was all kinds of kick ass. Well, it looked way better on Trinity, but I had fun and really did feel…powerful. I think I have a thing for capes.

I think one of the coolest things about superheroes is their costumes. Completely impractical in the real world, but in their fantastical world designers come up with all kinds built in gadgets that make their suits special and functional. They’re made of materials that move with the body, shield from injury, act as weapons themselves, and of course, disguise our heroes’ true identities. Not to mention, the form fitting styles emphasize their athletic build and sex appeal. Who doesn’t want a superhero for a boyfriend?

In the short story I penned with co-author Christine Bell, Scarlett Fever (part of the Holding Out for a Hero anthology) our two superheroes have costumes that are unique to them as well. Scarlett is fire, so her suit is made from a special top-secret flameproof material. Red, of course. She might be able to stand in the middle of an inferno without breaking a sweat, but it would be really embarrassing if her clothes kept going up in smoke and she were constantly being fined for public nudity. She also has a handy-dandy utility belt with various gadgets, and her fire whip. No girl should leave home without one.

Helping Scarlett guard the fine town of Plunketville, OK is the Blade of Justice. With Scarlett being all red, you just know Blade would have to complement, and he does in his own all black costume. Blade has the ability to transform parts of his body into metal. In the blink of an eye his hand turns into a sword, so his suit needs to be more like armor—impenetrable. Can’t have him running around in shredded shirts and pants like The Hulk. The big green man has that market cornered. Unfortunately, though Blade’s costume might work like Kevlar it still burns—as he can attest to when Scarlett set him on fire in a training session. Girls just gotta be girls. ;-)

Now it’s your turn! Which is your favorite superhero costume and why? Inquiring minds want to know. =)

HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO, featuring Scarlett Fever by Christine Bell and Ella Dane, Ironheart by Nico Rosso, Playing with Fire by Tamara Morgan, and From the Ashes by Adrien-Luc Sanders.

Scarlett Fever

After five years in training, it’s finally time for Scarlett Fever and her fellow superheroes to leave the United Superhero Academy and test their powers out in the real world. There’s only one problem. She’s been assigned to partner with arrogant, by the book, and irritatingly hot, Blade of Justice.

Blade’s whole life has gone according to plan, and he’s more than ready to move on to the big time, protecting a metropolis of his own. But his perfectly ordered life is derailed when he’s teamed up with the fiery maverick, Scarlett Fever.

Sparks fly the moment they arrive in Plunketville, Oklahoma, as they each set out to force the other to request a transfer. They soon discover there’s more going on in this single stop-sign town than blowing up mailboxes and cow tipping. If Scarlett can get Blade to listen to his gut, and he can teach her to use her head, they just might have a fighting chance.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |
Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please answer Ella's question: Which is your favorite superhero costume and why? Inquiring minds want to know. =)
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My favorite superhero costume is Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman. I grew up in the 70s watching it. What Ilove about it is she is so strong, but still feminine.

  2. I love it when the guys dress up on The Big Bang Theory. Any super hero costume they wear on TBBT becomes my instant fav.

  3. I'm with Lori - I love Wonder Woman!

  4. I'd have to say Thor's costume. It's not too over the top and has a cape... happy sigh! :)

  5. Wonder Woman. She can fight off speeding bullets with her wrist guards. And she kind of wears a tiara like head gear.

  6. My favorite super hero costume is the Scarlet Witch because it's red, awesome, and there's a cape.

  7. I like Super Man (the new one with Henry Cavill)... simply, because he looks really hot in it ; )

    mestith at gmail dot com

  8. Superman for the giant S

  9. I do like Batman's costume. I think it's the cowl.

  10. My favorite is Batman's costume.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Wonder Woman is by far my favorite! For no other reason than she was a kick ass hero!
