
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ARC Review: Good Girls Don't by Victoria Dahl

I won't lie. I'm not the biggest fan of contemporary romance. In fact, I stay away from them completely. With this book I just felt like I should give it a chance. I am a big fan of Victoria Dahl's historical romances and I have read them all. In fact I devour them. Now I've known for awhile that she also writes contemporaries, but since I don't read that genre I've never paid them the least bit of attention. Then I started following Victoria on Twitter and she cracks me up. Sometimes her posts have me in tears from laughing so hard because they are just so funny. Another thing, everyone is always telling me how great her contemporaries are. So when I was on NetGalley browsing and came across her ARC for Good Girls Don't, I figured, "Hey, why not?" I am so glad that I decided to give this book a chance.

Good Girls Don't is unlike any contemporary romance that I've ever read before. It's story is realistic and believable, has a cast of great characters, and there are no endearments like "Baby" and "Honey" inside. I found myself continuously turning the page wanting to know what was going to happen and then becoming sad when I finished the book. I just didn't want it to end. I felt a bond with this story and it's cast of characters. I can't wait to pick up not only the next in this series but all of the contemporaries by Victoria Dahl that I so foolishly passed up before.

**This was an ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


  1. I love Victoria Dahl! She is just a good writer! Glad you tried one of her contemporaries out!

  2. @Book Crook Liza-Thanks for stopping by. I'm so glad I picked it up. Loved it. Can't believe what I was missing. =)
