
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Interview with Author Sarah Ballance

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sarah Ballance. Sarah was kind enough to stop by and allow me to ask her some questions that I would love to share with you all. But before we get to the interview, let's get to know Sarah a bit.

Sarah lives a charmed life as the mother of six incredible homeschooled children, all of whom are completely adorable when they're asleep. Her husband of many years (long, long years, he calls them) is the kind of guy who could teach those heroes from the books a thing or two about romance, not that he'd readily admit it. Completely supportive of her love for writing fiction, he's generously offered to help with any necessary research for "the good parts." She's never had to ask twice.

Although the idea of writing romance and romantic suspense initially intimidated Sarah, it has morphed into a favorite pastime since her characters, unlike her kids, actually listen to her. Er, sometimes.

Place to find Sarah:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of six kiddos ages 13 and under, and I get to say I'm a full time author since I don't have a "real job," LOL! My husband and I have been married almost 15 years and our brood numbers three boys and three girls, including one who decided to join us *after* I'd had my tubes cut, burned, and tied. (She's about that stubborn, yes!)

Did you always want to be a writer?
I never wanted to be one! LOL. I'm actually a math and science nerd (I double majored in biology and biochemistry in college), and the only reason I wrote my first book was because a friend suggested I do it and I said I couldn't. That was like a triple dog dare to myself, LOL. So at the age of 31 I wrote my first novel. It took six months to finish DOWN IN FLAMES, and it was picked up by the first and only publisher I queried. That, my friends, was the start of an addiction!

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
More of a panster. I start most of my books with a one-sentence idea, some direction with my characters, and an end game. Generally speaking, my method is to make sure everything I write moves the story toward that last scene, and I just let them surprise me along the way. That said, I usually plan 2-3 scenes ahead as I write (just notes jotted at the bottom my file), but I do let the characters and the circumstances lead the way.

Where do your ideas come from?
They find me! In the case of UNFORGIVEN, I got a wild hair to write a story with a plot hinging on a gun. I don't (didn't) even know anything about guns, but my poor husband does, so I questioned him until I had the plot worked out. I've never even liked guns, so it's a particularly bizarre example, but it's also about how it happens for me, LOL.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
My tag line for UNFORGIVEN: Riley Beckett's past just came back to haunt her, and this time he's got a gun.

Out of any of your books, which one would you like to be a character in? And why?
I'd like to be in HAWTHORNE. My main characters have a close encounter with a ghost, and I *love* ghost stories.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I *adore* the Harlequin Intrigue line of romantic suspense. As a reader, I just love 'em. But as a writer, every time I read one I get all fired up to write again. It's fantastic to keep a stack of enthusiasm by the bed! LOL.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
My favorite book is RUFFIAN: BURNING FROM THE START. It's a fictionalized version of a true story, and even though I knew exactly how the story ended I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life. The story is stunningly told, beautifully written, and has remained on my mind even though it's been almost 20 years since I first read it.

Have you ever fallen for another author's hero? If so, who and why?
No, but I will say this. I was so attached to the hero in Renee Vincent's RAELIKSEN that it literally took me MONTHS to read the next book in her trilogy because I wasn't willing to let him go.

Describe the characteristics that make up your perfect hero.
I like a guy with a protective instinct, but not a macho caveman jerk. (Caveman jerk is not to be confused with caveman sex, which freakin' rocks.) A sense of humor is a must, as is the ability to laugh at himself. "Perfect" heroes need not apply, and I tend to utterly melt when the heroine is his greatest weakness.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
I have two I struggle with. One is the book's opening, and that's because it's an extremely important scene to get right and I don't even know my characters yet. The other type with which I have difficulty is the sex. Mine aren't even graphic—I tend to write sensual—but they hate me with an unholy passion, and I gotta tell you the feeling is often mutual. *glares at WIP*

If you could have dinner with any three book characters, who would you choose and why?
Oh, this is hard! I think I'd sit down with the family from THE SHINING. I have dreams about that movie—it must be beckoning me, LOL.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
I'm going to exclude my friends on this one (because I don't want anyone giving me one of those *looks*) and go with some Intrigue authors: Delores Fossen (she's actually a FB friend, she has my dream job, AND she has four kids so I feel we have a few things in common), Jenna Ryan (I ADORE her humorous writing voice), and B.J. Daniels (her "CRIME SCENE AT CARDWELL RANCH" was the first Intrigue I read, and right then and there I fell in love with romantic suspense).

What do you like to do in your free time?
We live on the coast, and my husband and I love the beach and boating. We have a cabin cruiser and a speed boat so we can cater to pretty much any water whim from travel to watersports (you wouldn't believe how much stress relief there is, as a full time parent, in dragging the kids behind the boat while they scream, LOL). I used to ride horses quite a bit and have owned four in my life, but six pregnancies got in the way of being a regular rider. Now I spend endless hours in the kitchen cooking, baking, and decorating cakes. And changing diapers. Fourteen+ years of that and counting. Nonstop, I might add. *sigh*

Favorite movie?
I hardly ever watch any, but one of my favorites for years has been Father of the Bride Part II. I also love scary movies. Gore, psychological thriller, or anything in between—I love to be scared!

Favorite song?
This changes regularly, LOL, but right now it's "On My Highway" by Jason Aldean.

Favorite color?

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I sure am! TIDE OF LIES comes out April 2, and in anticipation of that, my romantic thriller FAMILIAR LIGHT is just $1.50 from Noble Romance. I'm also working on a new suspense, LAST CALL, which should be out in late May or June from For the Muse Publishing. Three other stories are in the plotting stages (including a historical romance—eeek!) and with any luck they'll all be out this year.

Thank you so much for having me! I hope to see some of you on my blog, where I shamelessly bribe readers to subscribe by giving away a gift card every week. *grins*

Riley Beckett’s past just came back to haunt her … and this time, he’s got a gun.

When Gage Lawton finds his brother shot dead on his back porch, every shred of evidence points to one person: his former lover, Riley. They didn’t part ways on good terms, and they’re not going to reconnect there, either—not when he’s got a revolver pointed at her head and a finger on the trigger.

A year after Riley swore she and Gage were over, he returns in a hail of gunfire. One look into those achingly familiar blue eyes and she knows how wrong she was to let him go, but now far more than their heated past stands in the way. A twist of fate puts them in the cross hairs of a killer, leaving Riley with two slim options: trust her greatest betrayer, or face a murderer on her own.
Places to Purchase:


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today!

  2. Great interview Sarah! Are you ever away from your kids? Me, never. Husband yes. Grrrr.

    I WORSHIP the Intrigues!!! Elle James and Julie Miller are my favorites. :)


    1. LOL! Yes, I do get away from the kids. My husband and I have a standing date each weekend at the boat (either Saturday night or Sunday all day, depending on my mom's work schedule) and every Thursday I get about three hours alone in the truck while the two older kids are in riding lessons and my mom has the younger four. (My netbook has a 10 hour battery, which is awesome!) I also take one day a month to dump them all with my mom at her house so I can take a break, and almost every night my husband takes over after dinner so I can write. I have a fantastic support system around me, but darn if I'm not still half crazy at the end of a day, LOL.

      I think it's SO COOL you love the Intrigues! I hope one day you'll see my name on one of them. <dream come true!
