
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Review: Close to You by Kate Perry

It upsets me to say that I didn't really care for this book, which is a complete bummer. After finishing Perfect for You I couldn't wait to start this one. I just felt like it this book was lacking a bit. I never got a real feel for the characters and I could have done without the crazy villainous mother. I just felt like she was so over the top.

While I enjoyed the relationship between Eve and Treat, I felt it was missing something. I think I would have like to see more book time devoted to them. I just never felt like we saw them grow as a couple and that their feelings seemed a bit premature. I never got a sense it was love, it just felt like a strong like.

As for Eve and Treat I enjoyed their characters a lot. I loved that Eve has a shoe fetish and tries to keep a positive attitude even when things don't go her way. I found that she was sweet and endearing and I found myself really rooting for her. With Treat I really came to like him. Did I think he was the bad boy he is portrayed? No, not at all. Treat is a sweet guy and is more like Prince Charming than James Dean. He is always coming to Eve's rescue and I love that he isn't afraid of his feelings.

My biggest issue with this book is Treat's mother. This woman is seriously crazy and I just hated that she got so much book time. I was not a fan of hers and how things ended up with her. I just think things with her were wrapped way to nicely and it just didn't feel realistic that after everything she did for everyone to forgive her so quickly.

**Copy provided by Author**

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