
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Interview with Author Natalie Anderson and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome to RFTC author Natalie Anderson. Natalie is on tour for her book Dating and Other Dangers and has stopped by to chat. Please give Natalie a warm welcome.

USA TODAY bestseller Natalie Anderson writes fun, frisky, feels-good contemporary romance for Harlequin Mills & Boon and Entangled Publishing. With over twenty books published, she's also been a Romantic Times Award nominee & a finalist for the R*BY (Romantic Book of the Year).

She lives in Christchurch, New Zealand with her husband, four children and what feels like a million ducks.
Places to find Natalie:

Dating and Other Dangers 

Everybody’s been on a first date, right? Even if you were lucky enough to marry your high school sweetheart, I’m guessing you had a first date with him?!

And first dates can be so much fun—and a huge source of anxiety! Such a minefield of decisions—what to do, what to wear, where to go, who/how are you going to pay?

Fortunately, my heroine, Nadia, in Dating & Other Dangers is the woman to help you out ;) She runs “WomanBWarned”—an online dating reputation and advice forum for women. She has some fab blogs on first date tips and how to survive the dating scene…

Unfortunately for her, some of her members have named and shamed one Ethan Rush as being a man to stay well clear of and Ethan is not happy about it!

He challenges Nadia to go on three dates with him. And, having read Nadia’s advice column, he decides to aggravate her completely by picking a movie date as their first, because Nadia reckons a movie as a first date is a cop-out… Ethan, on the other hand, says this in his newly established, deliberately outrageous “GuysGetWise” blog:

GuysGetWise: The chick flick is your friend

According to the self-proclaimed guru over at WomanBWarned, OlderNWiser, going to the movies is a dumb first date destination.


A cinema is a nice, totally safe environment that can push the defrost button on even the most hardened ice queen—like OlderNWiser herself.

You can round it out more if you want by going pizza before, if necessary—NOT the usually cheap delivery guys, This time it’s got to be gourmet. But, as we all know, there’s nothing worse than being stuck at a pricey restaurant with a vacuous woman who has no conversation while waiting hours for two strips of potato, a fifty-pence sized piece of steak and some weird green oil drizzled in dots on the edge of an over-sized white plate. Instead go for pizza to say hi, and then ease off the pressure for a bit.

The movie gives you a couple of hours to settle into each other’s company00you’re close, but not too intensely focused on each other. Afterwards you’ve got something to talk about to start you off. And then, once she’s started, she won’t stop. Babes like to talk—and they will if warmed up. After a movie she’ll be in the mindset. So let her share with you.

Immutable dating fact: the more you let her share, the more she’ll want to be with you. It’s that simple.
You might wince, but the chick flick in particular is your friend. She’ll get the warm fuzzy feeling. Go for the one-two punch—the chick flick followed by dessert. She’ll be as gooey inside as the chocolate pudding she’s spooning in. And, bud, you will benefit from the happy ending hormones she’s riding on…

Having read this blog, Nadia takes up the challenge! She picks the movie for their first date—and she picks a doozy, determined to ensure this first date is a total disaster! But does her ploy work? You’ll have to read the book to find out!

I had such fun writing Dating & Other Dangers and sending Nadia and Ethan on three fire-filled dates, not to mention adding in their escalating blog wars! So, to be in to win a signed copy of their story, comment below and tell me about your worst ever first date experience—or, if you’ve never had a bad one, share the worst first date story you’ve ever heard!

Nadia Keenan’s first date Do’s and Don’ts:

1. Do boost your confidence by looking hot
2. Don’t put out until at lease date two
3. If the man is trouble (however sexy!) do report all on

After being trashed on Nadia’s website, serial dater-and-dumper Ethan Rush is about to put Nadia’s rules to the test. He’s determined to change her mind about him. She’s determined to prove him for the cad he is.

Let the battle of the dates begin…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository
1 lucky winner will win themselves a copy of Dating and Other Dangers

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: Tell me about your worst ever first date experience—or, if you’ve never had a bad one, share the worst first date story you’ve ever heard!
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • International Shipping Available

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh my gosh I have the worst date experience. Well, my friend wanted to go out with this guy, but didn't want to go along. Her date had a buddy, so I went out with the buddy. Big mistake. For one thing I wasn't having fun; second the guy creeped me out. Let just say even after the date the guy still creeped me out.

    1. Oh No Meloldy May--don't you hate it when the 'buddy' really isn't so great?! And that's always the way, right?!?! You know... you might just have given me an idea... ;)

    2. oops - sorry for the typo Melody!!! Clumsy fingers here :)

  2. My lady boss told me, that she went out with this outrageously handsome man, already picturing herself in a very romantic date. It turned out to be worst since what the guy did all evening (besides eating) was keep blabbering about himself on how good he is and his achievements. She was already preparing to be blown out by his humungous ego. Tsk!Tsk!

    1. oh no! yeah, think some guys take the confidence thing waaay too far over the line sometimes! :)

  3. yes i have,it is so very embarrased me. my shoe heel was broken. but show must go on, lol

    thanks ^^


    1. yikes Olivia! That happened to me once too - felt like I looked such a wreck! And another time I got sauce all town my top... so not cool! ;)

  4. My worst experience was a blind date my friend set me up on. The guy was totally self obsessed and thought he was gonna "score" he had another thing coming....needless to say we only made it thru the movie, forget dinner take me hime! lol

    1. Oh poor you Brandi - what was your friend thinking?! ;) You know, I've never heard of that many 'good' blind date stories!!!!

  5. My worst first date was with a guy I worked with. He picked me up in his dirty pick up truck. It was hot as heck and had no a/c, so we had to yell to hear one another with the windows down while driving on the highway. He said we were going out to dinner, then for a walk on the beach. I figured that would be great until we pulled up to McDonalds. When we got in line, he said he had $6 and that should be enough for dinner. He then told me what he was getting. I added it up in my head and he would have had less than a dollar left. I got my own meal with my own money and I called a friend for a ride home. The guy couldn't understand what my problem was. Jerk. It was the first and last time I went out with him.

    1. uh yeah, can't see the attraction in that dude! McDonalds? What was he thinking?!? Heck, if he wanted a budget date there's always a nice picnic, right??!

  6. so far i have been lucky to not have a disasterous date as yet but i have 9 older cousins and they all have had bad dates....and yeah i did learn from them :)

    1. Laurie - may your luck hold!!!!! Good idea to learn from the cousins! ;)

  7. The worst one I had was when I was working at a deli and got asked out by a customer who had come in for about a month and been flirting and getting to know me. I thought he was really sweet, he arrived ready for the date, perfect gentlemen and took me to his friend a drug dealers where I just prayed the cops didn't invade and take me to jail for being there. I feigned an upset stomach and did not return calls after that, totally through me for a loop.

  8. lol... so fun :) I'm not going to share mine cuz it's soooo embarrassing so I'd just have to say congrats on the new release and thanks for such a fun post and giveaway!

    1. awwww, come on and share Erin!! is is that bad---really??? Cn't you share as 'anon' ?? ;)

  9. My worst date experience was when my ex set me up with one of his friends. We all went out and the guy turned out to be a creeper. If he could make me look at my ex and wish we were back together that's saying a lot haha

    1. oh no - what were you doing getting your ex to set you up?! You know, I must admit I've never stayed very much in touch with any exes!!!

  10. One of the worst experience date happen to my best friend, my friend and a guy she knew at work go out on a date to the same restourant I went with my parents, she was very nervous and all but she was happy that I was there, for support even if I was in a different table, the guy looked like a nice one but then he suddenly pulled out his blackberry and log in to Facebook while my friend was talking, he was totally ignoring her while he was on Facebook, jerk!

  11. My worst date ever was my Junior Prom. My date decided to have more than a few drinks unknown to me, he and his buddies thought they were being sly. Lets just say he couldn't handle his liquor and he threw up all over my shoes. Too bad he was a nice guy, but that was unforgivable.

    1. oh no!!!!! Yeah, that was so not good. I hope he was MORTIFIED! AND got you new shoes!

  12. He brought his Mother along. Cut the cord already!! Kind of creepy actually. Like a Greek tragedy.

    1. Yeap - that is a bit creepy - was he looking to her for approval all evening?!?!

  13. Believe it or not my first date with my husband was not good at all. It was a blind/double date and we he was a total ass. But once we got to talking away from his friend he was a total sweet heart and we ended up getting along great. We got married 4 1/2 years later!

    1. oh yay!!!! That's such a romantic conclusion--you give all the bad-first-date experiences hope! :) Congrats to you and your hubby :)

  14. First dates can be nerve wracking - just the tesion of wanting it to go well can make conversation stiff - one of my friends was so nervous she knocked over her wine glass which spilled all over & in trying to catch it sent the glass covered candle to the floor & it shattered. Guy was all embarrassed which embarrassed her more - that was their only date.

    1. oh dear - your poor friend. I can so relate to being a but klutzy when nervous and embarrassed and it can all just make everything worse... I so feel for your friend!

  15. I heard a guy had an allergic reaction at dinner.

    1. oh help!!! that would be quite stressful - I hope he was ok in the end!!

  16. sounds boring, but i never had a disastrous date,lol... we just go to a movie theatre and eat and go home.

    1. Well that sounds like fun to me! :) Yay you on missing the disasters!

  17. hmm couldn't recall the worst date. but there's a friend of mine who got herself a blind date (matchmaking date actually) and totally freaks out when she discover that her date was her next-door neighbor. It was disastrous because she knew the guy have a girlfriend. Busted...

  18. No, i have no worst ever first date experience but I have a friend have same thing with Adisty Sri Mulianty's friend

    1. oh no! Your poor friend! That's such a horrid thing to happen!

  19. I dont have a bad date expierence. But in some books ive read, where the hero didnt pay for the check (forgot his wallet), hit on someone else, took or gave there number to someone, etc.

    1. You're lucky to have had no bad date experience Shadow! I think the guy hitting on someone else would SUCK!
